Chapter 8: The Vision

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Daisy didn't know what happend. She just saw a man, sitting in a chair and he was getting tortured. But, he was getting tortured by Deatheaters, followers of Lord Voldemort.

When Daisy got out of this  little vision, she saw that Draco and Pansy were checking if she was okay. She just looked at them. She had no idea what happend.

"You sort of fainted." Pansy said, reacting on her look. "Are you okay, Potter?" Blaise asked. He never called her by her first name. Not that Daisy called him by his first name. "I'm fine, Zabini." Daisy awnserd. Then, she stood up and walked away. Daisy had noticed that Harry fainted, and she wanted to know if he saw the same as she did.

When Daisy finally found Harry, she saw he was surrounded by members of the DA. Great. Now she can't talk to him.

Then, Granger noticed Daisy. Again, great. Daisy wanted to turn around and walk away when Granger said: "Harry! Look!" Daisy saw how Granger pointed at her. Could this get any worse? Yes, yes it could: Harry and his little gang walked up to her.

"What do you want, Daisy?" Harry asked.
"We need to talk, alone."
"No. What you want to say, you can say right here and now."
Daisy rolled her eyes.
"Fine. I fainted. But i had this vision kinda thing about a man who got tortured by Deatheaters. I noticed that you fainted to." Daisy said. Harry was just speechless.
"That man is our Godfather, Sirius Black."
Now Daisy was speechless.

"And? What has that to do with me? I never met the guy. Why do i to, get that vision?" Daisy said, after a silence.
"It's Voldemort. Somehow, he can get in our minds. I think he found out he can do that with you to." Harry sounded concerned for the very first time. Well, it was probably because Voldemort could find things out. It's not like he cared about Daisy or something.

"So, that guy is Sirius Black and he's our Godfather. And Voldemort gave me that vision." Daisy summed up everything Harry said.
"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Harry said.
"Look, i know you and your little gang don't like me, but i am also fighting Voldemort. If you guys are going to save Sirius Black, i want to come. I want to defeat Voldemort as much as you do. I can't take any Slytherin with me, because most of them have Deatheater family." Daisy said, hating every word that came out of her mouth. Harry turned around and disccused Daisy's request with the DA.
Daisy was hopefully waiting.

After a while, Harry finally turned back to Daisy.
"And?" Daisy asked. Harry sighed and said: "We decided you can come, only because you're the Girl who Lived. You to, need to fight Voldemort." The group started walking as soon as Harry finished his sentence. Daisy quickly followed.
"How are we going to get to the Ministry?" Ronald Weasley asked. "Floopowder?" Harry sugested.
"Umbridge made sure all fireplaces are sealed." Granger noticed.
"Except one." Harry replied. Then, Daisy heard a voice calling her name.

Daisy stopped, after she told Loony Lovegood that she was going to do something. She turned around and saw Draco looking for her. Behind her, the DA disapeard.

"Hey, Dray! How can i help you?" Daisy said, when Draco approched her.
"We're looking for you! Where were you, Dais?" Draco asked. Daisy quickly thought of a little lie for her own good. 
"I'm sorry i scared ya'll so much. I was just drinking some water, and just progressing what just happend."
Draco looked relieved.
"Okay. That's good to hear." Draco said, with a smile.

Then, Goyle came running to them. He was sweating and he needed a moment to catch his breath.
"Professor... Umbridge... needs... the whole Inquisitorial... Squad." Goyle said, still busy catching his breath. Draco and Daisy followed Goyle to Umbridge's office. There, they saw the DA all being hold by a Inquisitorial Squad member. Harry was sitting on a chair with Umbridge, standing in front of him.

Daisy and Draco quickly grabbed a DA member and said nothing. Daisy grabbed Neville and Draco grabbed Granger. Umbridge was just whining that Harry shouldn't just break in her office and that kind of talk.

Then, Professor Snape came in. He told Umbridge that he had no more Vetriserum, because Chang drank the last bit. Then, giving both Harry and Daisy a look, Snape left.

Umbridge's focus went back on Harry. Daisy wasn't really focusing on what Umbridge said. Then, Umbridge slapped Harry. It was quite funny, but Daisy needed to hold back her laughter.

Then, Daisy remembered that she was going to the Ministry of Magic with the DA, to fight Voldemort.
"I can take them from here. I'll bring them to their common room." Daisy said. Umbridge sweetly smiled.
"Okay. Be careful with them."
Daisy nodded and walked out, behind the DA. Daisy's friends wanted to follow her, but she told them not to.

When they were away, the DA and Daisy stopped.
"What now?" Daisy asked.
"Oh, so you didn't forget that we were about to fight Voldemort!?" Harry sounded furious. Daisy just rolled her eyes at him.
Harry always need to make a problem out of everything.

"So, what now?" Daisy repeated herself.
"We fly ofcourse." Lovegood said. The group just looked confused. That was until they reached the forest and saw Thestrals. Those are creatures who can only been seen by people who have witnessed death. But now, in time of need, everyone of the DA (and ofcourse Daisy) could see them.

They flew on the Thestrals to the Ministry of Magic, to save Sirius Black and fight Voldemort!

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