Chapter 24: Headmasters Death

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The night had fallen. The only thing that the night sky showed were it's moon and stars. Harry, Daisy and Dumbledore standing on top of the Astronomy Tower. Daisy was still trying to process what had just happened. She was clinging on the the locket in her hand. Flashes of the attacking Inferni flew through her mind. Along with flashes of Neville. She had almost died in there. What is she never had the chance to say what she felt? She sighed.

Daisy looked up at the stars, when she heard voices.
"Do you hear that as well?" She asked. Harry nodded.
"I do." He said. Dumbledore looked up.
"Hide down there." He said. He pointed towards the staircase. Before you reached the top, the staircase led to a little platform underneath. Harry refused because he wanted to help Dumbledore, but Daisy pulled him along.
"Why did you do that!?" Harry asked.
"Because Dumbledore said so." Daisy sighed.
"You think I like hiding? No? That's right! But Dumbledore said so. And how much I hate listening to teachers, he's still our headmaster." Daisy looked at Harry.
"You do understa-" Daisy's sentence was cut off by noises coming from upstairs. She put her finger in her mouth as a sign for Harry to stay quiet. He nodded and they both looked up. Because the upper floor was made of a metal pattern, they were able to see through the gaps. Someone was walking towards Dumbledore. It was Draco. He had his wand pointed at Dumbledore.
"Draco." Dumbledore said.
"I wondered when you were going to finish me off." He added. Draco looked surprised.
"Y-you knew?" He asked. Dumbledore smiled.
"I cannot say you were the best assassin I have ever faced. Two failed attempts... The necklace. It was easy to find out it was addressed to me, because you put a note with it. Harry had seen you go in to the bathroom that day." He said. Daisy looked at him.
"You knew?" She whispered, trying not to be to loud.
"Sorry." Harry replied.
"And than, the poisoned wine." Dumbledore continued.
"Slughorn said you gave it as a gift to him, knowing he would give it to me." Draco sighed and looked away. Daisy could see the pain in his eyes. Why would he want to kill Dumbledore?
"Please, Draco. Listen to me. I understand-"
"No you don't. You don't understand." Draco pulled up his sleeve, revealing a mark of a skull and a snake, tattooed on his arm. The dark mark. Followers of Voldemort carried this mark. So this is what he had been up to all year.
"I have to do this. I have to kill you. Or he'll kill me." Draco started to sob.
"Draco. Many years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Let me help you." Dumbledore tried to call Draco. Suddenly, Daisy heard a sound besides her. She took out her wand and turned towards the sound. Harry turned as well. It was professor Snape. He signaled them to stay quiet. They both nodded. Snape was going to take care of this. They hoped.

Upstairs they heard an evil, female chuckle. Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Do it! Do it Draco~" She said with an evil tone. Draco started to tremble, trying to hold back his tears.
"Draco! What are you doing!? Kill him!" Bellatrix said, pushy. Draco's hand started to shake even more.
"Calm down, Bella." Snape had walked up the stairs and joined the Death Eaters. What was going on? Snape pointed his wand at Dumbledore. Dumbledore gave him begging eyes.
"Severus, please." Dumbledore begged.
"Avada Kedavra." Snape flicked his wand and a blue light beam shit out of it, hitting Dumbledore. He was pushed backwards and fell of the Astronomy Tower. Daisy had to keep Harry quiet. She couldn't believe it either. Snape killed Dumbledore. The Head Master was dead.

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