Chapter 22: The Seaside Cave

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Hey the Author here. Some things in this chapter may not be exactly film or book accurate bc I sadly can't remember every (little) detail of the story. I also have left some things out bc of this. This also counts for the next 3 maybe 4 chapters. But anyhow, enjoy :D

Dusk fell over Hogwarts. Harry and Daisy had met each other in the hall way and made their way to the Astronomy Tower. They quietly passed the sleeping paintings and empty classrooms, trying to make sure not to get caught. This was a top secret quest, so no one knew. That ment if Filch caught them, they would get detention because students weren't allowed to roam around the castle after dusk and they would not arrive at the Astronomy Tower where Dumbledore was waiting for them. They were about to turn around a corner, when they heard Filch's voice mumble to his cat, Mrs. Norris. Daisy and Harry were standing pressed against a wall, holding their breath's, waiting for Mr. Filch to pass. Once he finally did, Daisy pulled Harry by his sleeve and quickly, but quietly, walked away.

The twins arrived at a narrow spiral staircase. One by one they walked up the stairs, towards the Astronomy Tower. Once arrived at the top, they laid eyes on Dumbledore, who was already there, waiting for them with the same warming smile that he had earlier that afternoon. Daisy and Harry walked closer towards Dumbledore.
"What do we do know?" Daisy asked.
"Both of you, take on of my arms." Dumbledore said.
"We're not going to Apparate, are we?" Harry asked. Daisy rolled her eyes.
"Of course not, Apparation isn't possible within Hogwarts grounds. Right professor?"
"You are correct, Daisy. But I am the Headmaster, I am able to bend the rules a little." Dumbledore said with a wink.
"Wicked." Daisy said, grabbing his arm.
"Okay, one... two...three. Here we go, hang on tight you two." Dumbledore said. And before Daisy knew it, she was twisting and twirling and it felt like an elephant was sitting on top of her, making her unable to breathe.

Daisy had to catch her breath when they finally arrived.
"Does that always happen?" Daisy asked, breathing heavily.
"You'll get used to this." Harry said.
"You've done this before!?" Daisy asked.
"Oops... Another thing I forgot to mention." Harry said. Daisy rolled her eyes and bent down with he hand on her knees trying to get as much air in her lungs as she could possibly get.

"There it is." Dumbledore said. Daisy looked up and followed the direction of Dumbledore's hand, that was pointing towards a large sea-cave. Daisy stood up straight and looked at the cave and the water, that was angrily slamming against the stone walls.
"And how exactly are we going to get there? Couldn't you just Apparte in there? Now we're stuck on this bloody rock!" Daisy angrily said.
"And that's why you're put in Slytherin." Harry mumbled.
"WHAT did you say?" Daisy asked.
"Nothing... nothing.." Harry looked away, biting his nail.
"Come, come, let's try to keep this civilized, shall we?" Dumbledore said, trying to calm the two. Daisy sighed and looked away, down at the water.
"Oh. That's how we're getting away from here." Daisy said, surprised.
"What?" Harry asked while looking in the same direction as Daisy. Down there, in the restless water, was a little boat, big enough for three people. It was anchored onto a separate pice of rock with a chain that looked ancient. The boat itself also looked like that was laying there for centuries.
"Is that bloody thing going to hold us? It looks like it would break if a fly would sit on it." Daisy angrily said.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover." Dumbledore said. Daisy sighed and crossed her arms.
"Bet Voldemort would be happy once we drown here." Daisy mumbled.
"Have you said anything, Daisy?" Dumbledore said.
"" Daisy quietly replied.

The three walked down the slippery rock to a little standing-place. They entered the boat one by one. Dumbledore untied the rope and waved his wand. As soon as the wand stopped moving, the boat moved. Surprisingly, the boat kept intact during the whole trip. It stopped inside the cave, at a dead end.
"Well that was pointless." Daisy said.
"Oh not, dear child. Not at all." Dumbledore calmly replied. Daisy shrugged and started looking around. She heard Harry and Dumbledore mumble behind her and she heard some grumbling noises. She turned around to see that an entrance had opened up in the wall. Her jaw dropped as she followed the two wizards into the cave.

The inside of the cave was dark and gloomy. All the light that filled the cave was a bright, but distant, green-whiteish light. The light Dumbledore had fired from his wand. Behind the three, the entrance had closed, so there was no sunlight entering the cave. The light was coming from a little island in the middle of the cave. That island was surrounded by pitch black water.
"Great more water." Daisy said. She looked around the place and said: "And no boat this time."
"Are you sure?" Dumbledore mysteriously asked.
"But, professor, you don't see a boat yourself right?" Harry asked, not sure what Dumbledore meant.
"Oh I don't see it. But I do know where it is located." Dumbledore said as he walked over to the right wall of the cave. He shook something that sounded like a chain, but it was to dark to see.
"Is that a chain? What does it attach to?" Daisy asked. Dumbledore gave her a weak smile and started pulling the chain. Harry quickly walked over to help him. Daisy was looking at them, as they were pulling a chain that seemed to be endlessly long. After what felt like an eternity, a boat came to shore. It was a see through boat. It had an average size but it was also very shallow. Dumbledore turned to the twins.
"Now, normally this boat can only transport a wizard that has come to age. Me, in our situation. But, also in our situation, it is no problem for you two to come along. You both haven't come to age."
"I hope." He added.
"You HOPE? What will happen if we have 'come to age'!?" Daisy asked irritably.
"The boat will sink." Dumbledore casually said.
"Oh wow. That's just great. Another possibility of drowning.Womderful" Daisy sarcastically said.
"Daisy, stop it. We'll be fine. Professor Dumbledore said so." Harry said, trying to cheer Daisy up.
"Not everything he says is true." Daisy mumbled.
"Daisy, just come. We won't die." Harry said.
"How do you know?"
"I give up." Harry rose up his hands and walked towards the boat.
"You can stay here and keep guard if you'd prefer." Dumbledore said.
"You mean standing here alone in a creepy dark cave? Nope not happening. I'd rather drown." Daisy said, hurrying to the boat. Dumbledore got in first, followed by Harry and lastly Daisy. Daisy nervously got in. The boat began to drift over the lifeless, pitch black water.

Daisy looked over the side of the boat and let out a little screech. Harry quickly turned around.
"What's going on? Are you okay? Are you hurt!?" He asked, worried. Daisy still had to get used to that.
"Yes, yes I'm fine. But look in the water. There are dead people in there." Daisy pointed towards the water.
"Bloody hell you're right. Dumbledore?" Harry said, turning hopefully to the professor.
"Those are the Inferni. Most of them were, when alive, mostly vagrant, homeless muggles whom Tom has murdered for his purpose during his first rise to power. Although, some of them are the earthly remains of wizards and witches who had 'disappeared' back then." Dumbledore explained.
"Wait, can't they like, come alive?" Daisy said.
"No, they are merely lifeless puppets brought 'to life' with necromancy." Dumbledore replied. Daisy made an 'oh' face and turned away to the water, trying to hide the fact that she did find this rather interesting. Not that she would ever try to use necromancy. But still, rather interesting.

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