im drowning {TW-sexual assault , feelings of depression)

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And there i was..alone with the death eaters ,
they all seemed scared of me , almost more than they were of Bellatrix .

as i scanned my eyes over each face , reading their emotions , their eyes stopped at one
Igor Karakroff
He stared at me with a smirk plastered on his face, eyeing me up and down.
Soon enough the meeting came to an end , but i sat and watched them leave one by one .
As i got up to leave i felt a harsh grasp around my wrist which made me gasp in pain as an unknown pair of fingers dug deep into my cuts.


i turned to see Igor holding me tightly against a wall .

"what are you doing."i spat"let go of me"

but then before i could say any more he crashed his cold lips onto mine and i gasped in disgust as his hands travelled up my dress .

"LET GO OF ME" i screamed as memories clouded my mind and i started to panic.

i felt like walls were closing in on my throat , i couldn't breathe and glassy tears formed in my eyes.

"shut the fuck up , you dirty slut, listen , you will do as i say and you will not make a sound" he whispered harshly into my ear .

Igor dragged me into a nearby room and threw me onto the bed
as he turned to close the door i stumbled to my feet in an attempt to escape but was quickly pushed back down .

i closed my eyes trying to block out what was happening and tears streamed down my face as he thrusted into me .

i was so lost in a pit of darkness and panic but was shortly pulled back into reality when a grab at my throat pulled me up to face him

he placed one last rough kiss on my lips "you do not speak of this to anyone ,got it ?"

i stayed silent but then felt a sting come into contact with my cheek

"i asked you a fucking question" he hissed

i nodded and with that , he released his grip on my neck, leaving me to stumble back onto the bed

i was so in shock , my breathing became unsteady and i lay there , partially naked , sobbing.

But then i remembered the meeting had finished over 20 minutes ago and Bella would be worried

i needed to get to her but i couldn't . i couldn't breathe or move or function

the last words to come from my lips was a quiet whisper
"Bella...i need you Bella"
then everything went black as my tired consciousness faded.
i felt myself move but was too scared to open my eyes
"y/n ! y/n wake up sweetheart"

i knew that was Bella..i was safe
i opened my eyes and instantly felt myself pulled into a hug

"what happened Bels" i managed to whisper

"i-i was at home waiting for you but i began to worry after it had been around 30 minutes but then i heard a faint whisper in the back of my head and i knew it was you" Bella began to explain and suddenly it all came back to me

"i apparated to you and i found you lying on a bed passed out , naked and i feared the worst so i brought you back home" she continued

"ive been sat with you for about an hour" Bella whimpered

it was only then i noticed tears falling from her eyes , running down her mascara stained face.

*does Bella think i cheated on her ? i need to explain*

"Bella.. i- i promise i didn't mean wasnt my- he did it Bels i-" i began to say in between sobs
"shh hey listen , sweetheart i do not think you did anything willingly , but you need to calm down and tell me what happened." She cut me off

when my breathing steadied , i explained everything , what happened , who did it , the panic attack , everything.

Her eyes widened and she hugged me tightly while stroking my hair

"i'm so sorry y/n i should have been there..i wont let any harm come to you ever again" Bella said

i melted into her warm embrace and felt a wave of peace come over me

"come on sweet , lets get you some food and something to drink and ill deal with him tomorrow" she said whilst pulling me up and leading me to the kitchen

i sat down and Bellatrix placed a warm plate of food infront of me aswell as a tall glass of water

"y/n baby you need to eat"she whispered

i hadn't the energy to talk so i slowly brought a piece of food on a fork to my mouth and began eating
I noticed as Bella watched me that i single tear had fallen from her eyes , so i got up and went over to her

i wiped away her tears with my thumb and locked eyes with her

"sweetheart i promise i'm okay , its nothing i'm not used to , theres no need for tears now" i tried to comfort her

but i watched as her eyes widened with sadness and she began to stutter

"w-what do you mean ?" she finally let out
"your used to it..?"

i realized i had never told her that...

this is the most vulnerable i had ever seen her
*does Bellatrix Black have a soft spot for me?*

"love don't worry i don't mean anything by it , i meant to say its nothing i cant handle." i tried to lie through my teeth


i knew something was off , i tried to tap into her mind but it was empty , there were no thoughts nor feelings at this time , she was numb to the bone

"please y/n tell me whats wrong"

"Bels i promise i'm fine i don't know whats gotten into you or why you assume i'm hiding something" she said coldly and bluntly

she was blinking a lot , a habit i'd picked up on many years ago , she does it when shes nervous.

then i felt an emotion , i could hear her mind again , i could feel her thoughts again

they were so self loathing and so dark , i could feel most if not all her feelings
however i still couldn't hear her thoughts clearly


I was so close to telling her everything and just letting my walls down , but those walls.. those walls protect me and i cant let that go.
i had to leave before i could accidentally say anything again.

"Bella sweetheart i need a quick nap" i said whilst getting up

I looked deep into her eyes , i felt guilty for what i was about to do but i had to push it down as far as i could

hesitantly , she replied "okay gorgeous ill see you when you wake up...i love you y/n"

"i love you too Bella"
and with that i walked up to the bathroom , filled with nothing but self hate , anger , sadness and guilt.

aghh im so sorry it takes me so long to update but im going to pre write the next chapter so ill publish this one and that one together , also heads up as the next one is going to be extremely triggering (ill put a warning in the chapter)
but as always i love you , stay safe lovelies

~h <3

Everyone has a reason {Bellatrix lestrange x female reader}Where stories live. Discover now