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this is just a a/n to address some things ive been meaning to say .

first off i'm so so so sorry it takes so long to write a chapter , i'm having huge writing block and i'm also on holiday rn !!!

also completely random but i don't proof read any of my chapters so pls ignore any grammar mistakes or anything

second , i cant reply to any comments and i cant follow people or anything because i cant remember my password to like confirm my email (idk something like that) BUT i read every comment i get and i'm so happy some people are liking this story , like it makes my day when someone comments or votes :)

third , i was planning on doing a chapter where Bella and y/n go on a mission together but i had no clue where to go with it and someone commented on the a previous chapter giving me an idea , so thats probably what the next few chapters are gonna be about and creds to - @Black_Txmi  ( i think that was the user ) but i still have no idea where to go with this

i just need people to let me know if you want this to go on for a long time or du want an ending soon , if so what type of ending yk ? just comment on here letting me know ;)

thanks lovelies , stay safe and healthy

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