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before you start here is a playlist for this story, you don't have to listen to it, but i just think it gets weird just sitting in silence why you read, or if you just want a new playlist there you go!! thank you guys so much for 12k read, ENJOY <3

before you start here is a playlist for this story, you don't have to listen to it, but i just think it gets weird just sitting in silence why you read, or if you just want a new playlist there you go!! thank you guys so much for 12k read, ENJOY <3

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I've always been left out. I just never realized how bad it hurt until I started catching feelings.

So now that I've basically "spilled the beans" or whatever moms say, I have a crush on one of my best friends. But he's in love with the other best friend. So if you don't know me then hi my name is sapnap, and I'm gonna fucking kill myself.

I'm just kidding.... maybe. But for now let me fill you in. Me and a bunch of my other online friends are twitch streamers. We mostly play Minecraft but will occasionally do other things like Jack box or some scary game called phasmophobia quackity likes to play all the time. Anyway, me and my best friend, Dream, have been friends since I was 10, he was 12 or was it 11? I don't even know anymore. We met online. In a call through some friends, since then we just.. became inseparable.

After meeting each other, a couple years later we met George. Or also known as Georgenotfound. He's British, he has the softest looking black hair, these big brown eyes, the most perfect smile. Now by the way I'm describing him you would think I was in love with him but... no, it's just I notice these things from him because he's the one I want to be. He somehow won my best friend over. And I want to know how.

Now no one knows what Dream looks like, not even George! But I do! And you want to know why.... well it's just because he trusts me plus it's a little late now since he showed me when we were kids and all throughout growing up.

Okay so on the internet there is a thing our fandom made, they "ship" Dream and George so then created the name Dreamnotfound or DNF for short. Don't get me wrong they've made many including, Karlnap (me and Karl jacobs), skephalo (skeppy and badboyhalo or bbh or bad for short) oh one of my personal favorites karlnapity (me Karl and quackity) heck they've even made dreamnap (me and Dream.) can you believe that! It just doesn't get as much attention like dnf and Karlnap.

I wish it did, don't get me wrong! I love Karl but as a friend and we've discussed this before. We will never become more, but will keep the jokes and flirting for the fans. My side was true but not sure about his...

Anyway let's go to where I am right now..

Present time-

"Oh georgeeee" Dream had said into his mic, they have been playing Minecraft trying to beat it without getting to see their health.

George giggles at the way Dream had been chasing him for the past 5 minutes now. It had started to annoy sapnap. "Aww such a cute laugh Georgie." Dream had flirted with George for what seemed like the millionth time this video. George was the only one who would keep his camera on so the fans caught a tint of blush on George's face.

"COME HERE GEORGE!" Dream had now found George where he was hiding, "oh my gosh can y'all stop, holy shit this isn't even a manhunt, damn let's just finish the game and end the stream I'm tired." Sapnap had finally snapped. "Okay damn sapnap don't need to be rude about it." Dream had replied now crouching in front of sapnaps character.

A couple minutes later Dream and George had kept going on with the chase and flirting. "Guys okay guys stop I'm sorry but I gotta go, I'm so fucking tired and y'all won't quit messing around. I just wanted to get the video done with. Sorry chat bye." With that he left the call ended stream and logged out, not letting Dream and George respond.

Sapnap got out of his chair and headed towards his bathroom. He quickly used the restroom washed his hands and then his face. Then walked into his room grabbing sweats and a shirt, he threw them on and plopped onto his bed. He check his phone slight hope that his friends had messaged him worried for him.

No notifications.

'Great' sapnap thought. 'What amazing friends I have.' He put his phone on his nightstand, but before he did that he tweeted something no one was expecting.

I have decided to take a break from social media, I'll miss you all, Love you guys </3
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Sapnap complete blocked everyone's number, instagrams, Snapchat's, twitters, tiktok, etc.

Hey why did you tweet that?
Not delivered at 2:46 am

Wtf did you block me?
Not delivered at 2:46 am

Sapnap? Why did you block me and George?
Not delivered at 2:47 am

Sapnap why did you block my number?
Pending until sapnap13 adds you as a friend

Your kidding right? You seriously had to block me on Snapchat too?
Pending until sapnap13 adds you as a friend

You're acting like a little kid why did you do this?
Pending until sapnap13 adds you as a friend


I swear if you blocked me in this too, I'll buy a plane ticket to Texas and beat your ass.
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You're an actual child I swear, JUST FUCKING ANSWER ONE OF US, WE ARE WORRIED.
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Sapnap had been sleeping through it all.

916 words

Probably the shortest and most boring chapter to ever exist but whatever. Btw the "klay" I meant for that to be like that lmao okay. Hope you enjoy and I hope you read this. Lots of luv <3

Left out (Dreamnap)Where stories live. Discover now