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TW: self harm, suicidal thoughts, and strong language.

Please skip this chapter if this is a trigger to you, this chapter is completely filled with all the TW

Once sapnap heard Dream leave he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. "You're so stupid sapnap, why would you think you had a chance with him. He obviously likes George, you're an idiot sapnap. You've like him for 5 years so you deserve five cuts." He reaches over to his mirror opening it and pulling out the razors blades. 1..2..3..4..5 brand new cuts sticking out from the old ones, sapnap soon realizes that he is back to square one and had wasted 3 months of being free from self harm.

"Great that's just fucking perfect." Sapnap turns on the cold water letting the tub fill up before stepping in fully clothed, he laid there letting the salty tears run down his face, mixing in with cold water from the faucet.

One hour later

Dream was now driving back to saps house realizing He had forgotten a couple things. Once there he took a breather before stepping out and going up the door. He knocked three times and waited for anything, no answer just as he suspected. Once again knock knock knock nothing. He had now knocked so many times his hand was red. He looked over at the plant hoping and praying that the key was still, thankfully it was.

He grabbed the key and unlocked the door, he walked upstairs careful not to frighten his friend. Well ex friend. He look towards sapnaps door realizing it was wide open. He looked around in panic hoping sapnap wouldn't be mad at him for come over. As he was looking around he saw the bathroom light on with the door slightly open. He walked over and opened it. There was sapnap lying in the tub filled with water blood dripping down his wrists, dried tears scattered his cheeks as well as new ones seeping through, he looked pale, and just horrible.

"Sapnap!" Dream quickly runs over to him and pulls him out the tub checking for a pulse. He had found one but not very strong, sapnap was freezing cold and some of the blood dried up but still spilling through the cuts. "I'm sorry sapnap, I'm sorry I let this happen to you, I'm sorry I said those things sapnap, I'm sorry I made you feel this way. I love you so much and I won't let you leave, not today please sapnap push through." Dream had sobbed out, tears spilling out his eyes. He quickly reached over for his phone dialing 911.

911 what's your emergency?

H-hi my friend he's not breathing well, he's cold and I think he's dying I don't know, I found him in the tub with blood on his wrists and he looked pale and-

Okay okay, sir I need you to calm down, do you know your location?

Yes Uh 4935 maple street please send an ambulance I can't loose him please I need him to know I'm sorry please ma'am.

Sir I need you to breath with me ready in and out in and out, okay the paramedics are on their way, they'll be there soon, would you like me to stay on call?

N-no, thank you.

Dram hung up the phone and threw it across the floor. "God dammit Dream you're an idiot, why would you say those things in the first place. Please sapnap if you can hear me please I need you to know I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I love you sapnap please." Dream saw his tears fall into sapnap cheeks, he wiped them away and heard the paramedics arrive, they took sapnap away from him even though he had refused, they let him come onto the ambulance and they started to check for anymore injuries on sapnap. Dream was lost in his own world thinking his things could have done differently.

"Sir? Sir? SIR?" The paramedic was trying to get Dreams attention and finally did. "Y-yes?" Dream had been stuttering over his words the whole time.

"What is your relationship to this man." Dream knew he had to lie to get information from the doctors.

"He's my fiancé"

Word count- 700 words

Thank you for reading bye <3

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