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TW: swearing and mentions of self harm

Dream was left standing there, not knowing what to do. Not knowing if sapnap had a spare room, or if what sapnap said about him staying was even true. Did sapnap really get all that hate? Did sapnap really cut himself. Did he do that because of Dream? Dream only paid more attention to George because he knew the fans loved it. If only sapnap knew how deeply in love he was with him. He has been for 3 years now.

"I fucked up." Dream whispers to himself while running a hand through his blonde hair.

"I really fucked up, how stupid can you be dream?" Dream still talking to himself walks over to the couch and sits down, trying to decide if he should go to sapnaps room or give him space.

He decided to give sapnap some space and go and change into some clothes. He grabs his suitcase and walks to the bathroom, it took him awhile to find it but eventually he did avoiding the room sapnap had stormed off to. While looking for the bathroom he had found an extra room. He set his suitcase on the bed and pulled out an outfit.

The outfit consisted of a black ripped jeans, a plain white shirt, and his signature green smiley face hoodie. He quickly threw it on and grabbed the keys to the rental he got. He quickly walked down the hall and went out the door. 'Might as well make it up to him.' He the ought to himself.

Dream put it the nearest donut shop into his gps and starts the car. As he's heading down he sees a gas station and decided to stop by to get some of his favorite snacks.

He gets down and opens the door, he was immediately greeted with a very bored teenager and a way to happy older lady. He does a slight smile and sees the girls face light up. He walks done the candy isle and picks up gummy bears, sour ones, twin snakes and much more, he goes over gets some chips and soda. He walks over the register to pay.

"I can get you over here." The teenage girl said suddenly looking a lot happier than when Dream had walked in.

"Is this all for today?" She asks scanning the last item and settling it gently in the bag.


"Okay that'll be $14.36 would you like a receipt?"

"Uh yes please" 'wait no I don't need it why did I say yes?' Dream thought to himself.

She hands him the receipt and his change followed by the bags of snacks. "Thank you come again."

After he left he noticed something on the receipt

Call me ;) (407)-214-5333

Dreams rolls his eyes. 'I'm 21 there is no way I'm gonna "call" a teenage girl.' (Btw '5' means they are thinking it. And obviously "5" means they are speaking)

He drives over to the donut shop and buys a variety of them. Once the bag was secured he started to drive back to sapnaps.

Dream walks in, struggling with all the bags and boxes. Sapnap takes notice and goes and helps him. Just because he's mad doesn't mean he has to be rude. "Here let me help." He grabs the boxes of donuts and walks over the kitchen, setting them down on the island.

"Here I got you this. Just as a way to say sorry for being so stupid and not noticing and being a horrible friend and I don't deserve your forgiveness and you don't deserve such a sucky friend like me an-" Dream was cut off by sapnap suddenly speaking.

"Dream... thank you, this was really sweet, I can't forgive you yet. That is gonna take time. But for now. It's good that you know what you did was wrong. And that you feel sorry. We can have a fun hangout if you want." Sapnap takes the bag from Dreams hands and smiles.

"Yeah I'd like that very much."

Word count- 677

Short but it is what it is.
Luv u guys <3

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