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Tw: ⚠️r@pe⚠️ alcohol/drunk people, swearing, drogas, yelling, crying, (i will not be going into detail on what the r@pist is doing but i will be saying what they say.. after the chapter i will do a quick summary of the chapter for anyone who had triggers of this, if this has happened to you or someone you know please reach out for help this is a serious matter..)
i shouldn't have agreed to the party, if i knew what was to happen i would have just had dream and punz with me for a movie.. but what he did to me... a sorry could never fix what happened, nothing could fix it, these stupid sessions won't fix it, I'll never forgive him for the things he did to me.

Do you mind telling us what happened?

I looked up and began


Flashback to before the party-

"dream can you help me with the ice please?" Sapnap asked, the ice had been say to heavy for him carry on his own. as dream came outside sapnap set the ice down next to the cooler to let dream pour it out. sapnap walked back inside to get the chips and other snacks ready.

once everything was done the people had started to poor in. sapnap quickly found Matthew and gave him a kiss kn the cheek just as he did the night of their date. "hey handsome" Matthew smiled as he said that. "hello.." sap giggled at the compliment. "wanna get a drink?" Matthew asked. something changed in his eyes. sapnap had noticed this change but decided to ignore it. that was the worst decision of his life. 1 drink turned into 4 and 4 into 10.. now Matthew and sapnap were dancing drunkly in the middle of their living room. "i hiccup i have to go find dream.. ok? i' right back." sapnap patted matthews shoulder and stumbled towards his friend.

"hey ddreeaamm.. did you know, you are so fucking hot? like how is that even possible? are you drunk? cause i am.. and i am so down to fuck right now.." dream was in fact drunk as well. not a fun drunk, but a drunk that washes away the feelings from your body, he had been watching Matthew and sapnap the entire night and needed break, this was his chance to finally get what he deserved. sapnap pushes their lips together into a sloppy kiss, making his way with dream upstairs towards his room. matthew following closely behind.

once they reached the room dream threw sapnap on the bed and began kissing him again. "wait wait, hehe i'm tired just let me rest for a few minutes then we can continue. ok?" sapnap had passed out almost immediately. "of course.." dream kissed sapnaps cheek and got off of him, he may have been drunk but he was respectful. he walked out of the room and stood at the doorway. as he stood he suddenly felt a horrible pain on the side of his face, he had been hit.

"What the Fuck?!" dream looked up and saw matthew smiling mischievously.. he cracked his knuckles and pushed dream out of the way, and made his way into the room. he quickly closed and locked the door not letting in dream. "Hey! Hey what the fuck are you doing?" dream put his ear to the door trying to get any sound. matthew got close to the door and said something that made dreams face pale.


"im just gonna have a little fun.." matthew backed away from the door snd made his way towards the unconscious brunette. he quickly started. sapnap woke up from the feeling of his clothes being taken off. "hey.. what are you doing..stop that.. matthew?" sapnap opened his eyes and was surprised to find matthew doing this.. "sshh shh we're just having some fun, now shut the fuck up.." sapnap cried and cried and cried. he heard someone shouting outside and banging as well, but he was in pain, matthew didn't let him adjust, he wasn't gentle about this either.. he wanted to leave. he wanted to be with clay... where was he?

"STOP PLEASE JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE! PLEASE DON'T.." dream sobbed while banging on the door. "JUST FUCKING LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE." clay banged harder.. "CLAY WHAT ARE YOU YELLING ABOUT?" punz had now joined in on the yelling and sobbing and the banging once dream had told him what was happening. "just leave him alone please.." dream whispered as he sunk down to the floor and sobbed. punz as well..


matthew had snuck out the window after doing so. sapnap was cold, he was alone, he fell asleep in so much pain.. he was exhausted. once he woke up, he got up and opened the door surprised to see two bodies falling back on the floor since his door was no longer holding them. "sapnap!" dream jumped up and held sapnap, he held him as he sobbed into his shoulder. "oh God sap.. i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry i couldn't help you.." tears began falling down his face. he felt weak, helpless, and worst of all worthless. He could have tried harder, if he could have kept yelling, he could have saved him.

"why... i loved him so why the fuck did he do that.." sap sobbed louder and crawled into punzs arms.. "shh shh shh, i'm here it's okay, it's over, you're safe.."

they cleaned up sapnap, and took his sheet out and threw them away.. they got sapnap into the car and drove to the store to get him new ones. once the had made his new bed it was time to sleep. "punz.. can i sleep with you, i don't think i can sleep in there.." saps voice began to break.. "hey hey, yeah of course you can.. cmon let's get you into bed." once punz had made sure sapnap was asleep we came out into the living room to speak with dream.

"clay.. we might have to find some group therapy sessions.. it's bad, he just cried himself to sleep in my bed, and refused to let me go.. he's terrified clay." punz sat down next to him wondering how this would all play out, would he loose his bright bubbly happy friend..

"i know.. i know of place we can take him there...

present time

is that all? so these sessions, the group therapy isn't working... the therapist asked. sapnap had been going to these session for about 3 weeks now and he had finally spoken up.  

"i'm not gonna give you details on what he did.. that's just fucked up to have me describe what he made me do... i don't want you guys scared, because he's still out there. and i'm still scared.. i don't know what to do." sapnaps voice began to break again as tears formed in his eyes. "i have to go... thank you all" he quickly stood up and ran out of the building looking for a specific car. spotted. he ran over and opened the door, sobbing to dream.

"hey hey i thought you still had half an hour left? what happened?" dream rubbed his back.

"nothing just, let's go home please.."

home.. could he still call it that? after what had happened in the room he used to sleep in...

home, what a funny word..



word count: 1242 words

i will do the brief summary here in a second so don't get excited if you see a "double upload"

hope you enjoyed.

again if you or someone you know went through this please call someone and get help, this is a horrible thing to happen to someone and sometimes they don't reach out.

call 800.656.HOPE.

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