extra part

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enjoy my most favorite people <3


10 years later
dream has taken sapnap to the beach for a surprise

"dream i don't why you blindfolded me i know we're at the beach" sapnap laughed as dream dropped his hands from sapnaps shoudlers.

dream took off sapnaps blindfold.. "surprise!" dream does jazz hands as sapnap looks at him shaking his head and smiling..

dream took sapnaps hand and kissed the back of it, he lead him to a spot on the beach that had towels laid perfectly next to each other.

after an hour of then just talking dream blindfolded sapnap once again and told him to stay there..

"dream what are you doing?" sapnap said laughing.

"you'll see.." dream said as he continued to lay out the candles and throwing flower petals around. he finally gets his speaker and play their song.. the song sapnap played on their first date.

now playing "Meteor Shower"

sapnap giggles "can i pull down my blindfold now?"

"yes you may my love" dream said with a nervous smile.

as sapnap pulled it down he saw candles everywhere as well as rose pedals, and finally he sees dream.. on one knee smiling nervously.

"dream.." sapnap said shaking, tears began to stream down his face.

dream smiled and started

"sapnap i've hurt you, i've broken you, and i would like to think i helped fix you and bring you back to who you were before i was so horrible to you.. but through all those things you still loved me.. you cared for me, you decided to keep me in your life. and because of that you made me fall even more in love with you then i already was. so sapnap.. will you be mine forever and marry me?"

sapnap sat there, shaking, tears covering his face. he didn't even know how long we was sitting there because when he came back into reality he saw dream with tears on his face, looking like a sad lost puppy.

"YES oh God a million times yes.." sapnap jumps into dreams arms and kissing him. dream puts on the ring and says

"you can come out now he said yes.." sapnap looked at him confused after dream stood him and himself up and backing away. before he knew he was on the ground with arms wrapped around him

"OHHH YOU SAID YESSS YOU'RE ENGAGED BITCH!!" sapnap immediately recognized punzs voice and hugs back.

"YOU KNEW?!" sapnap said laughing

"OF COURSE I KNEW I HELP WITH EVERYTHING, YOU THINK DREAM DID ALL THIS? NO HAHA" punz finally let sapnap go and sapnap walked over to dream..

"i love you.." dream said smiling down at him

"to the moon and back..i will love you for the rest of my life.. nothing could take me away from you, i swear on my life i will never loose you again.."

"you may now kiss the... groom?" sapnap and dream looked at the priest and then at each other finally sealing there love with a kiss.


okay i'm done. i'm done. this is it. final chapter. hope you liked it.

also when dream said "i love you" after punz let go they basically transitioned into their wedding. if you were confused by that

well hope you have a good life

go read my other stories bitch 🔫

love you guys thank you for the support on this :)

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