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tw: swearing, mentions of death and sewer slide, !blood, s€lf h@arm

again i have my auto coreect off so if you find mistakes im sorry lmao


dream felt sapnap squeeze his hand back, probably not noticing it was dreams hand, dream knew that if sap knew it was his hand he was squeezing back he would let go, he would kick him out for being there, he would tell him to leave him alone and never speak to him again, and dream didn't want that, he wanted to stay with sap nap he never wanted to leave his side, he wouldnt.

sapnap slowly opened his eyes but squinted from the bright lights, he looked around at the white room and finally his eyes landed on the man next to him, holding his hand, and.... crying? why was he crying? did i die? did i do it? "dream, why are you crying?" dreams head shot up at the sound of sapnaps voice. "oh my gosh sapnap, nurse, NURSE" dream shot up from his chair and left the room searching for a nurse.

sapnap was confused, why was he crying, why was he so surprised when i woke up, why am i still here... the nurse ran in with a doctor and starts to do a check up, "he is looking well, although he is still weak from the major blood loss he had, and the freezing cold water, he'll have to stay a day just to make sure he's alright, if he doesn't get better we'll have to keep him here longer, now that is all, i'll give you all the time you need, if you are not spending the night then visiting hours end at 8, i'll be taking my leave now." the doctor quickly shook dreams hand and gave sapnap a smile and walked out the door followed by the nurse.

"why are you here?" sapnap asked blandly looking at the wall. "because i care for you.. because i didn't want to leave you alone, because i was scared of loosing you, because i know you're scared of hospitals especially if you're alone in them. because i love you." dream whispered the last thing hoping sapnap wouldnt catch it.

"you dont love me, you may say it so you dont feel bad about what happened, about what you could have prevented, and easily too, this would have never happened if you would have atleast sent me a "how are you doing" text or just say hi to me when i enter the call, or maybe just acknowledge that I'm there, if you would have done that then you could be at home, meeting up with your precious george, having the time of your life not caring if i'm okay because you would know i am, and i wouldn't be lying, but instead im laying here in a hospital bed, because i tried to end my fucking life... im here because you didn't fucking say hello... so don't tell me you love me when it's just you're sick way of telling yourself that you didn't do anything wrong.."

dream didn't know what to do, say, or think... did sapnap really think that? is that what he thought of him... is he right? "thats not true, i do care about you, and you should know that, i'm not making this up to feel good about myself.. i've always cared for you.. why can you believe that sapnap?" dream looked up at sapnap with tears in his eyes, expecting to see sapnap the same but instead was met with eyes full of hatred, sadness, and more importantly disappointment....

"why don't i believe you? why don't i believe you? that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard.. i can't believe you because you told george you hated me, you told george you were here just to make it look like you cared, you told george you thought i was faking it, you thought my scars were fake? you thought me in the tub with blood dripping down my arms was fake? how dare you come here? how dare you come here and tell me you love me? how dare you save me? i will never forgive you.. i've already told you to leave, i'll be fine, my parents should have heard about this and come here to get me or something.. so just leave, now." sapnap went back to staring at the wall, not wanting to look at used to be best friend.

"sapnap... i can't leave you, your parents, they wont come... i told the doctors that they were on vacation and that they wouldn't be able to reach them, and that i was your fiance.. im sorry." dream let go of sapnaps hand which was no longer squeezing back.

"you what? why would you do that? are you insane? you could get in serious trouble for doing that! oh God you are so stupid dream, i swear once i get out of this bed i'll kill you myself." sapnap tried to sit up but failed and fell back with a grunt. dream quickly got up to help him. "hey don't try and get up just stay there.. i'll leave and i'll inform your parents..."

"thank you. now please just leave.." dream nodded and walked out of the room. dream picked up the bouquet of flowers he had bought before sapnap woke up and threw them in the trash, he didn't notice the single rose that had fallen out.. the single bit of hope dream had.. that single bit of sympathy sapnap felt towards the man with roses.

one singular rose, may just be the reason "the end" doesn't come.


word count: 951 <3

aggggh okay here it is lowkey sucked but idc lmao

luv u lots

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