second ending

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okay here's a second ending because i apparently "hurt" many of you with this story 😭✋ i didn't know i had that power so uhm.. yeah here we go

tw: i think there's language, and mentions of suicide and the hospital and shit


"punz have you seen a keychain with a rose in it? it's so important to me, please tell me you've seen it.. i can't lose it, i can't lose him." dreams eyes began to water and he started to panic.

"uhm yeah i think i saw sapnap with something like that.." punz said shrugging.

"ooh God ok good, thanks punz" dream ran towards sapnaps room and frantically knocked. "sapnap please open the door i know you have it." as dream was knocking on the door it opened by itself he saw the key chain but no sapnap. he walked up to the keychain and saw a letter underneath it.

for dream :)

well hello dream, i assume you're reading this and i'm hoping it's only you..

come meet me next to the river i always told you about when we were younger.. the one i would always "escape" to.. i have a surprise for you there.


sapnap <3

dream read it and smiled grabbing the keychain and his car keys, making his way out the door.

after the painfully slow car ride, and the trouble of finding the right river even after memorizing the way by heart by how many times sap had told him the way and took him there through calls.

from where you park you couldn't see the hidden river, but once dream had made it he realized why sapnap came here so much, it was gorgeous, the smallest waterfall with a nice and steady current, beautiful flowers and plants growing everywhere, the sky was so blue it reminded him of punz in a way, the water so clear he could see the rocks perfectly at the bottom.

as he was looking he saw sapnap on the other side, sap smiled and turned around and kept walking. dream quickly tried to get across with the big rocks that were placed to try snd follow sapnap..

once he had made it he saw sapnap and kept following him still a distance behind him. he saw sapnap stop in the distance but he kept going.

what he saw, well dream had described it to be the best moment of his life. it might have been simple and cheesy but oh how it meant the world to the blonde.

there stood the man he loved with a bouquet of roses, the kindest smile dream had ever seen, Meteor Shower by Cavetown played lightly from saps phone, he had a picnic laid out for, dream was guessing, the two of them.

"dream i know i said i've hated you a million times and more horrible things, but even through all that, i loved you. i couldn't stand a minute without thinking of you, it was always you, you, you, you, you, you. and i hated myself for how much i cared for the man that broke me so much, but even through all that breaking you cared, you always cared, because you were the only one who went to the hospital, who took me to therapy, who texted me everyday. i was just too young and dumb to see that. Clay Moore i couldn't stress this enough but i am so in love with you and i think my heart my explode by how quick it picks up when i see you. some might say i'm even insane for loving you, but i don't care, we can just say i'm madly in love with you, i know you brought me roses that night in the hospital.. the nurse brought them in. i can't believe i did that to you, and i'm so sorry, but please Clay i need you, i can't live another minute without you being a big part of my life again. I Love You."

dream had tears running down his face as he ran and hugged sapnap picking him up and twirling them around.

"i love you too pandas, i could never stop loving you." dream looks at him and finally the moment they had been both been waiting for, for 3 years now..

they shared a kiss.


so... does that satisfy you all that cried bcz of me 😭✋

hope you enjoyed this story thank you so much for all the read and votes the comments, they made me laugh so hard you guys this has been an amazing experience, love you all sooooooooooo freaking much. again thank you



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