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TW: strong language su!cide


He Had Lost Him.....

"punz have you seen a keychain with a rose in it? Please tell me you've seen it somewhere. I can't loose it, i can't loose him." Dream began to sob, he saw the way sapnaps eyes didn't sparkle anymore he saw how dull they were, he had lost the rose, this can't mean he'll loose nick as well.

"no sorry man.." punz looks at him with sympathetic eyes. Punz then walked away towards his room. "sapnap? are you ok? how are you feeling?" dream was panicking he didn't want to let go yet, he couldn't let go yet, he just got him back..

"im fine dream why are you freaking out?" sapnap rolled his eyes and walked over to the kitchen, dream followed close behind not wanting to leave him alone for too long, as he walked in he caught sap staring at the counter, "are you sure you're ok?" sapnap then snapped out of his trance and continued with what he was doing. "i'm going to the bathroom.." sapnap ran upstairs towards his bathroom. after about 15 min dream had started to worry, what's taking him so long is he okay, did something happen, why is it so quiet? as he climbed up the stairs he started to hear crying, he walked faster to find out who it was coming from, as he opened the door to the bathroom he saw something he wish he could erase from his mind, this isn't happening, this can't be happening, not today, not ever, why, WHY?


there was punz lying on the floor holding a dead Nick, a nick with his wrist slit, with no color in his skin, with no warmth to his touch, no life in his eyes. this couldn't happen, it has to be a dream, Clay will wake up soon and he'll go and check on sapnap like he did everyday. 1...2...3! dream opened his eyes and he was still in the bathroom with punz balling his eyes out shaking and screaming "please sapnap wake up, you can't leave me, you can't, YOU'RE ALL I HAVE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MY BEST FRIEND SAPNAP PLEASE JUST BREATH JUST FUCKING BREATH, GET UP AND STARTING CRACKING JOKES JUST PLEASE... breath." dream dropped to the ground and starting shaking, he didn't cry, he didn't scream, he just simply started to shake, like he was crying, but nothing came out, he should have known, he lost the rose, he lost nick. this was his fault, everything in nicks life turned to shit when dream didn't confess his feeling for him, when dream made fun of him, when dream chose George over nick, when dream didn't love him. he doesn't deserve to cry over him, yet here he is shaking.. what else could he do, his life was based around helping nick get better and feel better and forgiving him for the shit he did, now what? well, now it was time to plan a funeral, clean nick up, and find anything that could resemble a note.

and maybe just maybe he could find the rose.
word count- 560

short chapter but the next will be the last and hopefully long thank you all so much for the support on this story my next one will be coming soon!

muah <3

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