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TW: swearing, blood, lying, mentions of attempt suicide, crying, panic attacks

"I'm his fiancé"

If Dream wanted answers from the doctors about his best friend he would have to lie. "Are you the closest thing he has to family that's close?" The paramedic asked Dream.

"Y-yes at the moment, his parents are out in vacation. They decided to disconnect from their cell phones." They were not on vacation, and in fact they were probably on their phones right now.

"okay sir, right now we are needing to know if he took anything? maybe pills? or anything he could possibly overd*se on.?" the paramedic kept asking more and more questions and dream didnt have the answers.

they finally arrived and they took sapnap into a room making dream wait outside. "please please let me in, i have to be there with him, i told him i wasnt gonna leave him, i cant leave him alone." dream was crying, feeling horrible for leaving sapnap in the room by himself, full of strangers, and basically no one.

"sir im sorry but for health regulations im going to have to ask you to please wait outside of the room while we do this procedure. i promise you will see him soon, this isn't a full operation." the nurse was trying to reasure dream and it had somehow worked.

"fine. but once im able to go in that room with him, please, i beg you, let me know." dream had finally giving up and sitting in a chair that was outside of the room. "of course sir, thank you for cooperating, he should be done shortly now." dream looked up at her surprised at how quickly they had sped through it. he glanced up at the clock and noticed he had been fighting with the nurses for about an hour and a half.

"im sorry" dream whispered feeling bad he had made the nurses life a living hell. "you're fine, i know it must be hard for you to see him like this." the nurse patted Dream on the back and walked back to the desk to continue working and helping out other patients.

One hour later.

"Sir, you can see him now if you'd like?" The doctors had finally come out of the room, and the nurse that had promised him on updates had come up and told him the news. "Thank you." Dream had said quickly already up and halfway to the door before one the doctors that had helped sapnap stop him.

"Before you go in I would like to warn you it's not going to be something you're gonna like to see, he had a massive blood loss and has tubes coming out of him from everywhere. Please enter at your own risk." The doctor tried to warn Dream but Dream wasn't having it, he said he would be there for sapnap, that he would never leave his side, no matter how he thought of him. He wasn't leaving.

"Yes, thank you, may I go in now?" Dream was anxious, what if sapnap woke up to empty room and think that no one cared for him, but dream did, dream always did, he was just scared of loosing george if he started to get to close to sapnap, and now hes lost sapnap. hes loved sapnap forever now, he just hadn't figured it out till now.

the doctor sighed before allowing entrance into sapnaps room. dream quickly but quietly opens the door and hates what he sees next, tubes are coming everywhere out of sap, many machines hooked up to him, beeping over eachother. he looked pale and fragile, as if one touch could break him, he had bandages all around his arms and maybe more hidden from the covers.

dream felt like crying, he had let this happen, he had let sapnap get like this, he had let him do this to himself, he had let him get stuck in this white room, dream knew sapnap hated the hospital, it scared him, it scared him to know that he may go in and never come out. and dream let him go in... with the chance that he might not have come out.

dream slowly sits down in the chair for visitors, but decided it was too far away from saps bed, he needed to be closer. he couldnt leave him, not again.

dream grabs sapnaps hands and holds it tightly feeling no movement from the other. "oh nick, please wake up soon.. i hate seeing you like this, please, i need you to know i came back, i need you to know i care, i need you to know i'll listen, i'll hang out with you, i'll ask if you're okay, i'll be your best friend again.... i'll love you." dream sobs out once he finished confessing to sapnap, knowing he wouldn't hear him..

until he felt the hand squeeze back.


word count: 824 <3

short chapter, but so are my other ones, also um THANK YOU FOR 1k READS WHAT THE HONK DEE YOU SEEING THIS?!




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