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TW: strong language

The rest of the day was filled with fun laughs and a lot of movies.. like a lot. They were on their 6th movie when sapnap had to use the bathroom.

"Hey I'll be right back."

"Where you going?"

"Going to your moms house." Sapnap chuckled after his your mom joke.

"Oh haha very funny sap. Oh hey knock knock"

"Uh who's there?"

"Your mom"

"Your mom who?"

"Your mom who just sucked me off" Dream wheezes out at his comeback

"You're actually an idiot Dream. Also I'm about to piss myself so be right back."

"Okay." Dream quickly texted George to get on call.

"Hey Dream hows it going?"

"Fine I guess we've just been sitting here watching movies, I'm kinda bored so I decided to see what you were doing."

Now sapnaps pov.

I heard Dream on the phone with someone so I walked slowly trying to listen in.

"Wait so what happened is he okay?" It was George and Dream being his stupid self had him in speaker.

"Yeah he's fine he was faking the whole thing. He told me he cut himself and shit, as if I was going to believe that. He also said people were making fun of him. There is no way my fans would do that."

"Are you sure he was lying though?"

"Of course he was, he has everything, he has friends, he has family, he has a good job, why the fuck would he cut himself? He's just being his stupid self. He thinks everything is about him. He'll be fine."

"If you say so Dream. Oh by the way, I was thinking of buying a plane ticket to go see you in Florida. What do you think?"

"Hell yeah, get it as soon as possible so I can leave and go see you." I started to make my self known by making my footsteps sound louder.

"Oh shit gotta go bye George." Dream quickly hung up the phone and put it in his pocket.

No ones pov

"Hey sap what took yo- hey are you okay? What's wrong?" Dream saw sapnap with tears flowing down his cheeks, eyebrows knitted together, he look like someone just stabbed his heart.

And to sapnap that person was Dream.

"get out."


"I said, Get. Out. Now."

"Why, sap I thought we talked about this. I'm your friend I'm not just gonna leave you."

"Get the fuck out of house now, get your shit and leave. I never want to see you again."

"Sapnap quit that, why are you saying these things."

"GET THE FUCK OUT... NOW" Dream now knew sapnap wasn't joking

"WHY THOUGH WHAT DID I DO?" Dream had soon realized he hadn't hung up the phone.

"Dream? Dream are you okay? Did he hear us?" George could be heard through the phone.

"You're fucking kidding me right? How dare you come into my house pretending to be worried for me, and say you're sorry and make me think I might have a chance with the person I love, but you know what? Fuck you, fuck you and your little British whore. Get your shit and leave now, oh by the way, George, might wanna get that plane ticket soon, clay is leaving, right now." Sapnap had heard everything, everything. He heard the hurtful words his "best friend" had said about him.

"Sapnap I didn't-" sapnap was quick to cut him off.

"Don't call me that, clay how many times am I going to tell, THIS ISNT A FUCKING GAME! MY NAME IS NICK. This isn't a game, we aren't playing in a game, this is real life, so you're gonna call me by my real name, and when you get back to Florida, and I've cooled down we'll stream together, and then start to do less and less and less, to make the fans think we drifted apart, I'll get a job, a real job, might do some streaming but never again with you, or George, or anyone because no body other than bad and Karl was actually worried for me. I never want to see you or hear you calling ever again. You have five minutes, five minutes to get your crap and leave."

Sapnap once again stormed off to his room and slammed the door, locking it just in case Dream decided not to give him space this time. He slowly slumped down against the door and started crying softly.

Dream walks over and rests his forehead on the door listening to his crying friend. "Sa- Nick... I know you're mad, and I know you're not going to respond but, I didn't mean those things, I believe you, I just wanted to get George off my back about this. I wasn't going to leave so soon, actually funny story, I packed for a whole month.. that's why my suitcase is so big." Dream chuckled after he says that trying to lighten up the mood.

"I don't expect you to forgive me Nick. I don't deserve it, I love you too, but... I think right now it's a little to late for that. I just wanted to ask you a small favor... or 2. Please Nick. Unblock our friends, you don't have to unblock me, or George, or anyone you don't feel comfortable with. But please, and another thing, please try to be happy, not for me, not for George, or the fans, but for yourself. I need you to go out and find someone who won't treat you like shit, I guess I'll be on my way now... please take into consideration what I asked from you, bye Nick I love you, and I'm sorry." Dream stands up straight and grabs his things looking at sapnaps door one more time.

"Goodbye sapnap."

Their last goodbye.

Word count- 965 (not counting this)

Ahhh okay so here you go lmao hope you enjoyed <3

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