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TW- broken glass? Language

Sapnap ran in after giving Matthew a kiss on the cheek, he ran upstairs and collapsed on his bed, the biggest smile plastered on his face. He lay there for about 5 minutes until he heard to small knocks at his door, he sat up and was met with 2 piercing blue eyes "so.. how is he?" Punz walked in and sat on the bed next to his very red best friend.

"Oh gosh Punz he's amazing so first we..." sapnap goes on explaining how amazing the date was, and all they did, and eventually getting to the kiss. "YOU WHAT?!" Punz yelled out in excitement. "Mhm, I did that." Sapnap says proudly. "Holy shit, you really are over dream..." Punz says looking down in amazement.

"Yep, wait what! I've been over Dream for 2 years now." Sapnap stands up and walks out the door towards the kitchen, how could Punz think sapnap wasn't over dream, he's been over him since he left. He doesn't care for him anymore. How dare Punz think that I still have feelings for the man that broke me! Sapnap slams the cabinet door shut so hard that it bounces back and some glasses fall and break. "shit." Sapnap whispered under his breath. punz walked in after hearing glass shatter.

"dammit sapnap.." punz bends down and picks up the bigger pieces. once he's finished he goes and gets the broom to sweep up the rest of it. "Thanks Punz and sorry by the way...." Punz sighed and continued on towards his room. Sapnap sighed knowing he had hurt his feelings and his cups.

He goes over to the couch and checks his phone.

Unknown number

U- hey how's your date go? It's Dream btw :]
S- oh hey and it went well
D- that's good so you really like him huh
S- yeah I really do :]
D- hey we should all go to the bar or better yet let's have a party.
S- that's actually a really good idea I'm so down. How about next Saturday?
D- prefect I'll help set up that day. I gtg tho ttyl.
S- bai :]
Read 11:33 pm

Sapnap got uo and went towards Punz room to apologize and tell him about the party and also sent many many people an invite, including Matthew. Once everyone was invited sapnap ran out of the room grabbed blankets put popcorn in the microwave, grabs Punz, gets the ready popcorn and turns on a movie.

"Thank you sapnap" Punz said as sapnap hands him the popcorn and the remote. "Just a little sorry" sapnap said with a mouthful of popcorn. Today may have been one of the best days in sapnaps life, yeah it had a couple down falls, and mood changes, many questionable things that had happened, but it all worked out, sapnap found Matthew, he fell for him, Matthew hopefully fell for him too, Dream is back in his life and better than ever, he was here on his couch cuddling with his best friend who he lived with, how could his life get any better?

His life couldn't get any better, in fact it got worse, the party.. the party may ruin everything in his life, the party... the party.


Word count- 544 words

Hope you enjoyed this chapter was rushed sorry

I would also like to take a moment to say that we should all be hoping and wishing for the best for technoblade right now, this must be very hard for him so let's just give him the most support we can give.

Baaiii <3

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