Diez part 2:

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TW: Nothing


"I forgive you"

They continue to walk down towards to sapnaps house, silence, comfortable silence. Right before they turn onto sapnaps street, he gets a phone call

No caller ID

Sapnap being curious and accepts (sapnap, person on phone)

Um hello, who is this?

Hey sapnap, right? It's me Matthew. I was wondering if you'd like to get coffee with me later, we could go to a completely different cafe than the one I work at.

Oh! Hey Matthew, Um yeah ofc I would love to get coffee with you, what time and place? Im almost home so it could be here in a bit?

Perfect I can pick you up after my shift, how does... 5 sound? I can pick you up!

It sounds amazing, I'll send you my address okay, see you at five.

See you at five

"So who was that?" Dream asked once sapnap put his phone away after texting Matthew his address. "It's Uh this guy I met at the cafe we were just in, he wanted to take me to coffee so I said yes.. he's gonna coke pick me up at five." Dream nodded looking away, "that's good, that's cool." Dream stuttered over his words. "Are you okay dream? Oh this is me." They had finally arrived, sapnap apartment. He had apparently moved to Florida not thinking straight, and wanting to be roommates with Punz.

"Alright well I'll see you another time then yeah?" Dream stuffs his hands into his pockets nervously. "Of course, here take my number." Sapnap types in his number into dreams phone and makes his way inside to get ready for his date.

Time skip to 5 becuase I'm lazy. Also it says I spelt becuase wrong wtf..

It was now five when sapnap heard a knock at his door. He quickly got up and answered before Punz could come barreling down the stairs. "Hi sapnap, you look good." Matthew said obviously nervous, but that's not what caught sapnaps eye, it was the bouquet of roses that lay in his arms, placed neatly, making sure not to ruin them.

"I um I got you these roses, I hope you like them, i didn't know what your favorite flower was so I just picked the cliche ones." Matthew chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, still holding the flowers very carefully. "Oh my gosh, t-thank you Matthew that's very sweet of you. I love roses."

As he takes them Punz finally spoke up. "Have him here at 8:30 no later, no kissing, no grabbing of areas, no se-" sapnap quickly cut him off before he could continue.

"PUNZ! Stop holy shit." Matthew quietly giggles. "Let's go Matt." Sapnap grabbed matthews hand and walked away. They got in the car and drove to the cafe, while blasting and singing as loud as they could to many many songs. When they got there they were met with the barista.

"Hi welcome to Monets (m-O-nays) my name is burn I'll be here to take your order when you're ready" he smiled, he had half black half brown hair, grey eyes, and looked to be around 6'1, they had on a light brown crew neck with plain black jeans, a black apron with the word "Monets" written on it. We quickly ordered and went to sit down, while waiting for their coffee sapanp found out just the kind of guy Matthew is.

He's kind, funny, caring, gentle, carful with things he says, always makes sure he's okay, if he accidentally brings down the mood his smile is enough to bring it right back up. And oh his smile, his smile is perfect, it could make sapnap melt.

They soon got their coffee and kept talking, Matthew apparently had a cat, and a fish, ironically his fishes name is cat and his cats name is fish. He sleeps with many pillows so he doesn't feel alone. He prefers cold coffee rather than hot, no matter the weather. He's just perfect.

The clock soon hit 8 and it was time for the close, also it was 30 minutes before Matthew had to turn sapnap in to Punz. As they were driving home they rolled down the windows and played the music softly, after a few minutes sapnap sticks his head out the window feeling the cold early night wind hit his face. He smiled as the warmth left his face, his cheeks became red. He stuck his head back in the window just in time for Matthew to pull into his apartment parking lot.

"Here I'll walk you to the door." Matthew quickly got out and opened the door for sapnap. "Why thank you good sir." Sapnap said in a horrible British accent. "Your welcome good... sir" Matthew says back in a slightly better but horrible British accent while bowing. He grabbed sapnaps hand and walked towards the entrance. Once they had made it sapnap opens the door slightly. "Well this is me. Thank you for such a wonderful night Matthew." Sapnap smiled before giving Matthew a quick kiss on the cheek, and running inside.

Matthew stands there in shock, blushing like crazy. And thinking, thinking that's he glad he bought those roses.


Word count- 878 words

This is part 2 and yes I'll still post on Saturday.

Thank you to my friend Bee_Biscuit for being burn the barista <3

Anyway hope you enjoyed the sapmatt date <3

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