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TW: strong language


"Hey Sapnap?"

The cute barista had stopped him, "um I know this might be to forward but.. could I possibly get your number or something? I just though you were really cute and nice so um yeah.." he rubbed the back of his neck, you could obviously tell he was nervous.

"Oh Um yeah no of course, here just put your number in and I'll text you later yeah?" Sapnap said after handing the barista his phone. "Y-yeah talk to you later" the stranger blushed and walked to the back probably to blab about this to his friends, before he reached the back door I stopped him.

"HEY! um sorry to disturb you but I never caught you're name.." sapnap smiled towards him, he smiled back saying his name was Matthew and walked off to the back to continue his journey. Sapnap walked back to his table trying to fight the urge to just look at Dream, just a peek, it couldn't hurt would it, it's not like just by looking at him I would suddenly not be over him, it's not like he would come up to me... he took the chance and glanced... and holy shit.

Dream had longer hair than before, not enough for a ponytail but enough for it to fall over his eyes once in awhile and him having to brush it back with his hand, his eyes seemed more dull than how they used to be, but still that gorgeous emerald green, he had tan skin and his face decorated with freckles, he wore a button up shirt with a crew neck on top, black ripped jeans, and hightop converse. 'How the fuck did he get hotter?' Sapnap thought to himself, he quickly realized he had been staring for too long.

"Hey sap whatcha lookin at? Oh shit you're staring at Dream... go talk to him." Punz said excitedly hoping to see his friend happy for once. "Are you kidding me? You think I'd go over and talk to him, you're insane!" Sapnap sat down the drinks and started to have a light conversation with punz.

"Dream, your order is ready!" The new barista called out, Dream got up and grabbed his drink, he took a quick glance at sapnap and made eye contact, that split second eye contact felt like it lasted years for the 2 of them, and they both felt that spark, those fireworks, and an electric shock. They both felt shivers but quickly turned away from each other.

"Oh god so you're both in love again but are too stupid or are too scared to say anything to each other... huh pussies." Punz rests his head on his hand while looking down at his drink. "Shut the fuck up punz I'm not in love with him. I just accidentally made eye contact, it means nothing, I'll probably never see him again" sapnap rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee. "Gosh you're so stupid, he obviously still in love, I've been watching him stare at you with these hopeful eyes, he so stupidly in love, he basically had hearts as eyes, you got hotter, like you were already hot as fuck, and somehow the universe decided to pick favorites and chose to make you hotter." Punz rolled his eyes at how oblivious his friend was.

"Okay listen, you're wrong about the heart eyes but the fact that I got hotter, you're damn right." Sapnap flipped back fake hair and smirked. "Hell yeah you are... that's why you have to go and talk to him, your hot he's hot, imagine the kids!" Punz threw his arms in the air with a big smile. "We're both boys, how the fuck do you expect us to make a kid together?" Sapnap out his elbows on the table resting his head in his hands.

"Ugh you're hopeless" Punz got up and threw away his paper cup. "Cmon lets GO TO THE PARK" Punz said the last bit louder than the rest. "What the fuck are you doing?! Shut up Punz" (remember that's whisper yelling) sapnap quickly got up threw away his cup grabbed Punz hand and dragged him out of the cafe.

"You are an absolute idiot and the worst friend ever." Sapnap rolled his eyes and sighed.. "I just thought maybe I could I could bring you two together and you could be happy again..." Punz looked down at the ground in guilt, he embarrassed his friend and possibly brought the man that broke him down for 2 years, and possibly more.

"No punz, I'm not serious, you're an amazing friend. I'm just embarrassed, and scared..." sapnap kept waking but stopped when he realized Punz wasn't following. "Punz? Are you okay?" Sapnap walked back towards his frozen friend.

Silence is all he got, silence and a confused face. ".... why are you scared? Did he hurt you, physically?" Punz looked at sapnap with a confused yet angered face, confused on why sap was scared and angered that there was a chance that the man he tried to set up with his best friend may have hurt him, mentally he knew, but yet there was a chance for physically.

"What?! No of course he didn't I'm just scared of getting hurt again! Why do you think I never call back? Or never text first, or... actually talk to them? I'm scared! No I'm terrified, I'm terrified of going back those sleepless nights, and waking up with tear stained cheeks, and the trust issues, and the the therapy, I was in a dark hole, it took me 2 years to crawl out of it..."

"I'm sorry.." sapnap and Punz looks over at the third voice that had come out of nowhere. It was Dream. "I'm sorry I did that to you.."

"Oh Hi Dream, um I'm gonna go walk over there to give you guys time..." Punz walked away quickly turning back occasionally. "Hey dream." Sapnap greeted the sidewalk. "Listen I can go if you aren't comfortable." .. "no no I'm fine, I actually wanted to talk to you.." .. "of course do you want to walk?" ..yes we can walk to my house since it's pretty far."

"Alright lets go.. lets go."


Word count- 1039

Umm... okay so yeah it's basically Saturday since it's 1:23 am so here is your update :]

Remember school is staring Monday for me so updates will be on Saturdays... well I'll try.. anyway hope you enjoyed this is not checked or anything so there will be mistakes lmao

Lots of luv <3

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