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and maybe, just maybe, he could find the rose.

tw: sewerslide, language sewerslide note

Dear Clay,

i'm sorry, really i am, i'm sitting here writing my death note and crying and not thinking of anything but you, you were the reason i moved and met punz and you were the reason i felt so sad and horrible, but still i loved you, i love you with all my heart. Someone would say something that would remind me of you and i would get that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach that people call butterflies. i would grow red and want to just die in a hole for loving you so much after you hurt me so much. you're probably wondering why i did what i did.. i felt disgusting, i felt like i wasn't me anymore, i felt like i lost myself and it wasn't a good feeling, i knew i wouldn't be able to live with this feeling do i did it, i just fucking k1lled myself.....

I love you dream, i really do, and i know you loved me too. so i leave you my love, my joy, my happiness, my peace, and i give back the rose chain you thought you lost... i took it. surprise, i took it because i knew i was loosing myself and the way to convince you and somehow tell you was by you loosing that key chain.

so one more time Clay Moore....

I Love You.

With all my love,



The End <3

Thank you guys so much for the support on this story, i never expected this to grow like it did, i will be writing another story coming soon!!! but I love all of you it's crazy how i got that many reads on this, so Thank you, this boosted my confidence in writing <3



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