first meet

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M/n walked through the portal.

M/n pov:
As I walked through the portal I saw a very pretty pale blue sky

M/n pov:As I walked through the portal I saw a very pretty pale blue sky

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As you where enjoying the view you saw a reflection of your self.

'Damn, I look hot!" m/n thought he then saw what he was wearing changed to a brighter color *any color other then white then it stays the same* with a shade of black in both his hair and on his outfit, As he was walking around more he noticed a fi...

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'Damn, I look hot!" m/n thought he then saw what he was wearing changed to a brighter color *any color other then white then it stays the same* with a shade of black in both his hair and on his outfit,
As he was walking around more he noticed a figure entering the woods so m/n dicided to follow it.
After about 30 minutes of following it, it took a random stop by a small wooden house then went inside, m/n found it strange so he used some of his magic and became a soul like creater so no one could see him.
As he followed the figure inside the house you saw it was actually a male with brown hair, brownish colored eyes, and some ''ketchup'' on his face, when the figure turned around m/n knew it was blood, specifically human blood. M/n then looked straight in the persons eyes using some of his magic to see who he was.

 M/n then looked straight in the persons eyes using some of his magic to see who he was

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Name: alastor
Height: around 6 feet
Role: serial killer

As m/n undid his second power alastor had left the another room, unknowingly m/n had actually turned back to his human form.
By the time he notice the shorter male (alastor) had a knife to his neck.
"Woah woah woah, there is no need for that" m/n said smiling as alastor tried pushing the knife closer to m/n
"How did you get into my house!" alastor yelled. "Door." m/n said blankly he had unlocked the door with his magic when alastor wasn't looking, acting as if alastor left it unlocked. It went silent for a bit untell "well I got nowhere else to stay so..." m/n said "no, not a.." " I know that your a serial killer" m/n said paying attention to the woods. Alastor was shocked, he didn't think anyone would find out " f..fine" he stuttered.

After about a month both you and alastor had created a great relationship (friend wise) when alastor was working on his radio show you cleaned the house.

After about a month both you and alastor had created a great relationship (friend wise) when alastor was working on his radio show you cleaned the house

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Or make dinner for alastor and you, you where a really good cook so today you made pasta.

Or make dinner for alastor and you, you where a really good cook so today you made pasta

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Alastor always appreciated when you did those things. Of course m/n dicided to start flirting with alastor.
Alastor always brushed it off telling m/n to stop at times, or not caring at all.

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