just m/n cooking

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Sense alastor knew your secret, he still had to act just to make it less suspicious so that m/n wouldn't know.
"Hey al, can you come help me with this?" M/n said he was trying to cook at needed some ingredients, "sure"  al said walking over to the kitchen, "can you get me some....." (I don't feel like typing some ingredients) m/n said as he was grabbing a pan from the cabinet drawer, "sure" al said grabbing said ingredients, "what are you making today?" Al asked tilting his head up to look at the male, "pork chops!" M/n replied with a closed eye smile (its not the guy from the previous chapter)

al almost got a nose bleed from how wholesome m/n looked (can demons bleed?), After al regained his thoughts he gave m/n the needed ingredients to cook the pork chops and m/n started to cook, al was about to go back to his room but chose otherwise...

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al almost got a nose bleed from how wholesome m/n looked (can demons bleed?), After al regained his thoughts he gave m/n the needed ingredients to cook the pork chops and m/n started to cook, al was about to go back to his room but chose otherwise, "you need something al?" M/n asked questioning why the said male was still there, " is it alright if I stay and help you instead?" Al asked answering the males question before, "sure" m/n replied,
The two males chatted for around 40 minutes (idk how long to make pork chops lol) the pork chops where done, "hey al, can you grab me that knife on the other counter please" m/n asked al, "sure!" Alastor quickly replied grabbing the knife, m/n had cut the pork into mini bites for everyone it was like a lunch basket of food I mean it is lunch m/n is making, m/n set the table with al's help of course, when they finished m/n whistled and charlie, A tired vaggie, angel dust, and nifty walked downstairs, husk was already at the table it was like little kids going down stairs to eat dinner to m/n, once everyone had a seat m/n gave the food to them, nobody ever complained when m/n cooked because he was an amazing cook, angel was flirting with husk while husk was just died inside, vaggie and charlie where talking and alastor and m/n where eating talking from time to time.
After everyone was finished m/n grabbed their plates and started to wash them, with alastor talking to you.
When you finished alastor just started to chit chat with husk while m/n went to bed.

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