pg. 28

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You where peacefully playing your guitar that you had actually painted yourself it make black fade into (f/c) sense k/n was staying with alastor for the day when Charlie walked in knocking ofcourse, "hey m/n-kun" she says when she noticed you playing the guitar pretty well,

"I didn't know you could play" she said, "yeah, I have for awhile but I practiced when you and dad left the house mom usually would help me if needed to" you reply looking over to charlie, "anyway what did you need?" You ask putting the guitar down, " I wanted to ask if sense the party was today if you could help by hand painting or decorating the masks of course its up to you but I wanna have something that was made by my brother that I can cherish as I grow up (charlie is 20 in this au)" she says you just smile, "alright, do you already have the masks or do I gotta get some?" You question her, "oh, yes I do let me go grab them!" She says running off.
After around 20 min, she got all the masks, "here sorry angel didn't know where he put his mask" charlie says giving you the masks, from what you can tell husk and nifty weren't going to join so all you had to do was make Charlies, vaggies, Angels, al's, and your own mask.
You could already tell which mask would go to who so you just made it something that would look good on them.
the next day:
Once you finished you looked at your finished products the only one that looked demonic was al's sense it was literally a deer mask:

the next day:Once you finished you looked at your finished products the only one that looked demonic was al's sense it was literally a deer mask:

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Charlie's ^

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Charlie's ^

Charlie's ^

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Though you only painted alastors mask you think the decorations you gave the others would do.

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