alastors death

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2 years later both of you where dating and alastor left for his radio show but this time you followed him using your magic you became a invisible and walked around with him.
After the show both of you where walking home when you heard police yelling you saw alastor lose his smile as both of you ran deeper into the woods, after running for 30 minutes you heard dogs approaching as well as people.
Alastor smiled as he turned around knowing he couldn't run for much longer, " put your hands up!" one of the officers yelled, alastor raised his hands and that's when the police dogs attacked his ankles alastor fell on the floor you knew it was to late to do anything sense alastor thought you where still in the cabin safe.
A loud gun shot could be heard m/n's eyes widened when he saw alastors dead body. 'D/n (demon name) kill the them...' m/n whispered to himself, as so a giant wolf like creater emerges and killed them off you had an emotionless smile on your face as you watched the police officer screams turn silent.

' m/n whispered to himself, as so a giant wolf like creater emerges and killed them off you had an emotionless smile on your face as you watched the police officer screams turn silent

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M/n's pov:
I teleported back to the cabin to grab all my things.
When I was done I grabbed the same book that got me to earth and teleported back to hell.

A/n: I know it's very short I ran out of ideas.

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