pg. 25

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pic of k/n (pretend he has his deer features)!
Time skip (lost motivation):

Its been around two years sense the incident you had named the kid k/n sense they didn't have one you also found out they didn't have a gender but preferred to be called a boy so you made sure the name you chose was made for a gender natural boy,

Waking up from your sleep coma you saw your now 4 year old son you named k/n you softly stocked his pinkish hair making said boy awake from his slumber you chuckle as you pick him up, "m..morning papa" he said in your neck him wrapping his hands around your neck to insure the fact he won't fall, "good morning k/n" you say in a deep morning voice.
Once you got down stairs your saw around 12 new demons being checked into the hotel you smile placing k/n down you and him walking downstairs, "aunty charlie!" K/n yelled wobbling over to her, charlie quickly picked him up "careful kiddo you could fall" charlie said then stared over to m/n who was walking towards her, "hey sis, by any chance have you seen alastor? I wanna give him something" M/n asked, " now that I think about it, vaggie did say she needed him for something, no idea what though" she replied throwing k/n up in the air catching him before he falls, "thank you sis, can you hold on to him for a bit?" M/n asked her "sure, I don't see a problem with it!" Charlie said continuing what she was doing with k/n.
M/n walked off after around 10 minutes of searching you heard a faint noise coming from a room you followed the noise to what could you guess vaggies room, using your ability you grew the same wolf ears you used to find k/n pressing them onto the door, " so..." "So what?" You heard what seemed to be alastors and vaggies voice, "when are you going to tell him?" She asked said male "I don't know what you are talking about!" Alastor replied, "really?" Vaggie said not buying what al was selling, "mhm!" Al mumbled, "oh so magically now you don't know m/n is the one you loved all those years back.." Vaggie said, your eyes widened a little 'so he does know hm" you thought turning away from the door, 'well no point in hiding it then..' You thought, you then knocked on the door the room went silent, "sorry if we are disturbing you sir.... M/n!" Alastor said opening the door sweat dropping from his forehead, "so, how much did you hear.." Al said his ears going back a bit, "just enough" you replied pulling a box from your large ass pockets opening it for al, the same plush from before was in said box giving it to al you saw him hiding some blush on his cheeks you chuckle at this, "get your own room!" You hear vaggie yell ruining the moment you and al just laughed at this leaving her to herself but before so you said "oh yeah vaggie Charlie has k/n if you wanna go play with him!" Then you and al walked off. You knew vaggie loved the kid sense when he was younger her and Charlie would always wanna spend more time with him then us.

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