warning: long part

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Aka: w/a (writing arm), f/f (favorite food),  scary/ cannibal reader (just this page)

It was around 4:39 so you decided to get dinner started but before that you had to get more venison, "hey al!" you yelled then see a black shadow approaching you, "you wanna come with me to get more venison?" You asked al, "sure" he replied, then the two where off.
After walking around saying hi to the ladies you made it to a new meat shop that just opened. Wasn't much detail you got from it just a "normal" like butcher shop with a giant eye attached to it,

M/n pov:
When I looked through the window I saw a side character, I mean demon! Being bullied by a hog like demon,' I. Fucking. Hate. Bullies' I thought.
The only reason I went into the shop was because alastor wanted to try the meat sense the shop was new.
As soon as we walked in the random demon and hog stared at us as their eyes grew wider, the random demon being let go of his choke hold ran out of the shop.
" good day sir," alastor said starting a convo, "me and my friend (M/n:that kinda hurt tbh) caught sight of your sign up front, I make it a personal promise to try out every new meat shop that appears! You never know which will be my favorite" you could tell the butcher wasn't really paying attention to al but the prince of Lucifer standing by the door as the red head continued talking. The butcher started to pay attention to al, "do you have any fresh venison? I do love a nice top sirloin,but am partial to venison myself!" al said, "reminds me of simpler times..." al said.
After al said that I looked up I saw the butcher staring at a knife right next to him all I saw was red summoning a knife into my hand throughout it at him purposefully not trying to hit the guy, I usually give a warning before I decide to kill someone, I could see the butchers eyes go wide when he saw the knife heading straight for him just missing him by an inch or so.

After al said that I looked up I saw the butcher staring at a knife right next to him all I saw was red summoning a knife into my hand throughout it at him purposefully not trying to hit the guy, I usually give a warning before I decide to kill so...

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The guy teleported into a pitch black room hearing me says in a bone chilling voice staring right at him with my scithe in my limp w/a "and we all love to return to simpler turns... Do we not?!", "y..yes sir" being brought back replied to Al's question " I, uh.. Have some nice cuts I can get for you" the butcher said running to the back, "I wonder why he looked so sacred?" al questioned aloud all I did in response was shrug.
When the butcher got back al had given him a description on what he wanted.
"Make sure you get all of that silver skin trimmed off, I want fresh meat not bubble gum!"

Third person:
and with that you both left, but before you got out a very small female sheep demon was walking in she was wearing a lavender/ purple colored jacket and had blacked out eyes, being the gentlemen you where you held the door for her bowing while still holding the door, When you left the door didn't automatically close so when you heard the sheep girl getting abused by the butcher you had your last straw, but before you where completely controlled by u\h ¡w you told al to "help they girl cover her eyes while I do something as will as your self" you had given al two blindfolds to cover both of their eyes.
Al had sat in front of the female demon asking if she could put the blindfold on, which she did when al reassured her he would be blindfolded two and that him and m/n wouldn't do anything to her. When both of them put their blindfolded on you allowed you opposite to take control telling him to not touch al or the female. As soon as m/n gave u\h ¡w permission he took over, your eyes turned to a pitch black color with you pupples getting smaller turning white as you turned to your overlord self.

 As soon as m/n gave u\h ¡w permission he took over, your eyes turned to a pitch black color with you pupples getting smaller turning white as you turned to your overlord self

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(Tw: story gore, The story is now from) u\h ¡w, and alastor's

u\h ¡w pov:
I just stared down at the asshole that tried to hurt a female demon that stood no chance against him,
"YoU kNow, I do HatE thOsE who can't.. Show a little more RESPECT to those of fairer means..." "its rather.. Distasteful, like BAD MEAT!"

Alastor's pov:
All we heard was screaming and slashing noises, the feminine sheep had wrapped around my body which I actually didn't mind, the only thing I was worried about was m/n I didn't know if the screams where from him or the butcher. But then.. " hey.. Sorry if I scared you both" a soft voice spoke, I breath a sigh of relief m/n was fine.
When I took off my blindfold my eyes widened, "hey m'lady can we walk you out before you take the blindfold off?" I ask the young woman still attached to me, she just nodded her head we slowly walked outside
They inside looked terrifying.
(Tw: gore picture!)

"Hm, not as good as (f/f) but

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"Hm, not as good as (f/f) but.."m/n starting to eat a piece of the hogs flesh that he put in a bag, "..it'll do."

"Hey kid" m/n said, "hm?" The female replies "wanna join out hotel?" m/n asked as they started walking away from the bloody shop, "sure" I respond "great! Can we get you name?" m/n asked, "sure, it's Abigail, but you can call me Abby" Abby said.
(Literally my name is Abby lol)
After around 20 minutes of talking they made it to the hotel m/n and Abby headed straight to Charlie so abby can get a room. While alastor sat at the bar talking to husk.

Damn that was a long chapter lol,
Have a good day/night everyone.

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