a secret revealed

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A few days later.
Alastors pov:
I was talking to nifty when I heard m! Y/n's door swing open he seemed to be in a hurry, "sorry gtg in a rush!" M! Y/n says running out the door. "Well that was something.." Nifty said with a little giggle at the end.

Third person:
A few hours go by and the said demon hadn't returned to the hotel, it worried Charlie because al wasn't smiling a real smile she could tell he was starting to worried too.
"Hey al.." Charlie spoke getting the said males attention, " are you okay? I know m! Y/n's been gone for 4 hours but you seem so much different without him.." Charlie says to al, " yeah, I'm a little tired so I'm going to go back to my room," al replied with a smile, "as you insist" Charlie said.
When alastor was walking up stairs he forgot he needed to grab something he left in m! Y/n's room last night, (kinda sus) once he was at m! Y/n's door he opened it slowly, as he walked inside he saw a box on m! Y/n's bed being curious al decided to open it, inside was the thing alastor expected the least...

When alastor was walking up stairs he forgot he needed to grab something he left in m! Y/n's room last night, (kinda sus) once he was at m! Y/n's door he opened it slowly, as he walked inside he saw a box on m! Y/n's bed being curious al decided t...

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His plush m/n had given to him (couldn't find the picture lol),
'It.. Was him..' Alastor thought as a tear ran down his face, m/n was m! Y/n!
After composing himself al wiped his tears gently putting the plush back into the box grabbing the thing he forgot and went back to his room.
After another hour past m! Y/n was back, apparently he was going to a Meet up with his friends after his and his friend meet up he remembered he needed to get nifty a candy that she couldn't get due to the cashier being a perverted peto, it took m/n three stores just to find some, he then remembered that Charlie wanted a onesie so he got her a bear one as well as vaggie because he wanted his sister and her girlfriend to match. Matching up to 4 hours and twenty minutes to get it all, it took him a fourty minute walk to get back to the hotel.
"Hey guys sorry I'm back late, here" m/n said giving them their things they wanted. M/n just walked back to his room and slept tell dinner.
All alastor thought was ' I'm going to tease m/n sense I know who he is now..' And that's what he did because now alastor new m/n's little secret.

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