" I Don't Need You"...

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" It was just a joke!" m/n yelled.

After they left the bar and got back to the cabin both the males started arguing back and forth.
" I was just trying to see if you would get jealous" m/n yelled.
"Get out of my house m/n..." alastor said
"Fine, I don't need you anyways!" m/n yelled as he left the cabin shutting the door behind him.

M/n's pov:
I could feel tears rolling down my face as I left the cabin.
I walked over to the bar area and walked inside..

Alastor's pov:
After I took a shower to clean myself off I walked into m/n's bedroom,
As I was cleaning it up I saw a book under m/n's bed 'what's this?' I questioned myself, I looked inside and started reading.

The book said:
Dear diary...*insert your voice talking*
Today I wanted to pull a prank on alastor by flirting with his friend. I know you might be thinking "why would you prank him he is your only friend." but I have something incase something where to go wrong with the prank as you know I have a present under my bed to give him.
I worked really hard on it so I hope he likes it.. Bye diary.
Alastor's pov:
As I finished the book I looked under the bed for the present when I found it and got it out I opened it and I started crying....

After a few months alastor doesn't find m/n since m/n told husk and mimzy he and alastor where taking a friendship break and not to tell alastor where he was.
This is what alastor found in the box:

This is what alastor found in the box:

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A/n: sorry it's short.

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