the bar.

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After a lot of begging alastor finally agreed to let you go to a bar with him to meet one of his friends.

M/n's pov:
I dressed up in my smexyist outfit

M/n's pov:I dressed up in my smexyist outfit

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And was now waiting for alastor to finish.

After 30 minutes alastor and m/n where on their way,
What you thought was weird about it was because you both where heading deeper into the woods,
"Hey, alastor" m/n said
"Yes?" alastor replied
"How much longer tell we are there?" m/n questioned
"Oh,we are here" alastor replied
"It's a hill?"
"One sec..." alastor said
With that the hill became a underground bar.
"Damn" m/n said in surprise.
As they walked inside m/n saw a male

Which M/n soon learned his name was husk (don't know his "human" name) as well as a female named mimzy

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Which M/n soon learned his name was husk (don't know his "human" name) as well as a female named mimzy

'Oh, I should fuck with alastor by flirting with husk' m/n thought, with that he walked over to husk and started flirting with him

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'Oh, I should fuck with alastor by flirting with husk' m/n thought, with that he walked over to husk and started flirting with him.

Alastor's pov:
I watched as m/n was flirting with my best pal husker.
And for some reason I was jealous at first I just thought it was sense m/n usually flirts with me so its weird to hear him flirting with someone else. But now it's confusing what is happening.

No ones pov:
After a few hours of talking and or flirting with husk m/n started talking to mimzy.

M/n's pov:
After some chit chat with mimzy, I learned that both her and alastor dated in the past but now they where just close friends.

After another 4 hours pass all say their goodbyes and m/n and alastor left to go back home.

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