ch.1 pg.16

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Word mean: u\h iw (m! Y/n upside down), f/l/n (fake last name)

Once you where done you washed your hands and went upstairs to your room.

New scene: m/n pov:
Once I laid down on my bed I was teleported into my own mind,
"What do you want know" I asked blankly, "I want out" an unknown voice said, "and let you kill more living people, no" I replied, "that was one time" the voice said, "yeah well I got bitched at by my father because of it" I replied " look u\h iw (read name upside down) just because your my opposite doesn't mean I'm going to let you do what you want, hear me." I said a bit annoyed, "fine~" u\h iw said disappearing from your thoughts, 'I really hate him' I thought as I started waking up.

Bedroom scene: second person pov:
As you started waking up you herd a door open, looking towards your door you see alastor closing the door.
" watcha doing darling~" you said in a flirty way, alastor seemed to flinch when you said that, "oh did I scare you, sorry" you say in an apologetic way, " no, no just wanted to ask you something." Al replied, "alright come, sit down" you said, alastor walked over to your bed and sat down having is feet dangling off the bed, how cute, " so what did you wanna ask me?" You said sitting on the floor in front of al, alastor blushed a bit by the position (kind sus) they where in but asked the question, "by any chance is their any info about m! Y/n f/l/n?" Not entirely.." You said trying to come up with a fake death, "um, m/n f/l/n died after you did, he had been set ablaze protecting his house," you said acting as if al didn't live there to not look is suspicious, of course nothing actually happened to the house you where just saying that, you could see a small tear roll down al's face a bit worried you asked him " are you okay..?" But all al did was say "yep, perfectly dandy" you knew something was up but didn't say anything more.

Alastors pov:
When m! Y/n said that my beloved m/n had died in a fire a tear ran down my face, m! Y/n did ask if I was okay which I responded with "yep, perfectly dandy" but in reality I was extremely upset that m/n had died as well as my plush m/n gave me and my home had burned down. But I just said " goodbye m! Y/n it was nice taking to you" and walked back to my room.

Your pov:
I felt guilty saying that I had died in a fire but I knew it would be better not to tell him the truth just yet, I had walked over to a desk side table I had in my room and picked up a box, 'I'll be able to tell the truth soon" I think opening the box to see the plush you had given alastor back in the living world, a small smile was on my face.

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