coming home.

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M/n pov:
When I got back I was in my old room,
'I never realized how much I've missed this' I thought as I left my stuff in the room walking out,
I walked into the main hall where I saw dad and Charlie talking,
You wanted to see if you could give a little scare to charlie, so again I turned invisable walked behind Charlie and in a scary way I said " what I miss?" you could see charlie jump a little,
Becoming visible again you said " no seriously what I miss?" Charlie quickly turned around giving me a big hug so I hugged her back, I then bowed to dad,
"Nice seeing you again old fart." I said with a chuckle. "Yeah, yeah" with that dad left,
You and Charlie walked around the castle talking about things that happened when I was gone.

"Oh, you sure that this whole "happy hotel" thing will work?" you asked, "I'm not sertune but I believe if demons work hard enough they can get to heaven" Charlie replied. "Whatever you say sis" you said walking back to your room.

In reality you didn't believe redemption or that demons could get to heaven but you wanted your sister to be happy so you never said anything about it.

Stay tuned~

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