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After a few months you, charlie, and Charlie's girlfriend vaggie, dicided to make the hotel public you met some news reporters their names where: tom trench, and the definition on evil Katie killjoy, as soon as you got there Katie kept winking at you in a "fliry' way.
'Whatever'you thought as you stood by the girls,you weren't paying attention but all you heard was 'and please don't sing,' then you zoned out next thing you knew Charlie was singing,when the song was done you heard demons laughing their butts off, you gave them the 'death stare' like this.

'Whatever'you thought as you stood by the girls,you weren't paying attention but all you heard was 'and please don't sing,' then you zoned out next thing you knew Charlie was singing,when the song was done you heard demons laughing their butts off...

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A very scary smile crept on your face, and you, vaggie, and Charlie left after the whole 'incidents' with killjoy.

Stay tuned~
(Short yes)

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