pg. 24

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When you woke up it was already 8:13 you quickly got out of bed it was strange you have never slept in for this long, you quickly ran downstairs fully clothed to see everyone already eating, 'hm? Who cooked for them?' You thought starting to slow down, "oh morning m/n!" Charlie said in her normal cheerful voice, you just nod walking over to her, "who cooked I wasn't awake tell now?" You ask her while you lean on her chair, "oh alastor did, he said to let you sleep in so he cooked for us instead" Charlie replied, a moment of relief came over you as you turned to said male, "thank you charlie" you say kissing her forehead walking off to al, "morning al!" You say to one of the three males that where talking, al turned to you while angel and husk kept talking, al gave you his signature smile "there is some food left over if you want some" al said, "thank you al for cooking I haven't had that much sleep in years" you say turning to the kitchen to get some of breakfast, when you got to the kitchen you saw he made one of my f/b's 'hm strange, oh well' you thought getting a plate of the food deciding to eat in the kitchen instead of the dining room.

Tw: fake blood, animal abuse (not from the characters)! Viewer discretion advised.
There was a loud thud from outside catching everyone's attention, you quickly ran outside to see a red blood like substance on the front wall, "everyone stay inside and don't leave" you order going to cheek it out, suddenly you hear footsteps quickly turning around you see alastor was behind you, "didn't I say to stay in the hotel?" You ask a bit frustrated, " I just wanna see what happened, I'm an overload to ya'know" alastor replied, "fine.. But stay next to me" you say continuing to walk around the hotel, when you where about to turn back you heard a faint noise you quickly turned around using one of your abilities you grew wolf like ears to hear the noise clearer, you heard the noise again turning to your right side you heard the noise more fluently it sounded that of a crying deer,

quickly you and al ran towards the noise to see a soft red, A tiny bit of black, and white baby deer like creature lying on its stomach with a bloody Back leg.

quickly you and al ran towards the noise to see a soft red, A tiny bit of black, and white baby deer like creature lying on its stomach with a bloody Back leg

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quickly you grabbed to fawn making sure not to hurt the baby running back inside, "so, what happe

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quickly you grabbed to fawn making sure not to hurt the baby running back inside, "so, what happe... What happened!" Charlie screamed as she saw the baby in your arm, you quickly put the baby on one of the tables " angel can you get the first aid? Its in the kitchen second drawer to the left" you say, "vaggie please calm down charlie and get her some water", " al and husk get some towels and a blanket" "Abby get me some milk in case the fawn stays awake and is hungry" you say and for the first time you where worried about a tiny little deer you couldn't understand why but your instinct told you to help the poor thing, angel, al and husk came back giving you the towels and first aid,  'who would do such a thing' you thought starting to patch up the leg while you heal the skin putting it back into place, you then wrap a fading rose colored blanket around the tiny body picking them up. Thankfully the milk wasn't needed sense the fawn fell asleep.

suddenly a gust of smoke poof out at m/n to reveal an actual baby with soft red almost pink hair with tiny black stripes of hair, black and white big deer ears, white antlers, and a tiny soft red and white tail

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suddenly a gust of smoke poof out at m/n to reveal an actual baby with soft red almost pink hair with tiny black stripes of hair, black and white big deer ears, white antlers, and a tiny soft red and white tail.

suddenly a gust of smoke poof out at m/n to reveal an actual baby with soft red almost pink hair with tiny black stripes of hair, black and white big deer ears, white antlers, and a tiny soft red and white tail

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Its eyes where closed so they didn't know what eye color it was, Charlies and Abigail's eyes sparkled at the tiny creature. "So what are we going to do about this? We don't know where they came from and we sure as hell aren't going to give them back if this is how fawn looked when we found them" charlie said, " I'll keep them I'm the one who found them anyway" you say with the fawn in your hands, "fair enough" charlie said, you then walked upstairs with the baby in hand Abigail close behind, strangely alastor was also following you three up stairs, once you three got into the room you where about to close the door but stopped when you noticed alastor, "oh, I almost closed it on you haha" you chuckle letting alastor inside as well, you and al started a conversation sense Abby had fallen asleep in the room as well.

Meanwhile with charlie, vaggie, angel, and husk:
"We all saw that right?" Charlie said angel and husk agreeing, "saw what?" Vaggie said looking over at her girlfriend, "how similar the fawn looked to alastor and m/n, its almost as if its a sign!" Charlie replied, "hm, now that I think about it... They do look strangely similar to the fawn from the hair color to how the kid looks" vaggie said starting to get what the others where saying. "who knows it might just be a sign" vaggie said.

A/n- who knows it could be their future secret love child or just a kid that looks strangely similar to the two.

Anyway have a good day/ night everyone.

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