the party p.2

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Alastor was still wondering where you where when he felt arms wrap about his hips quickly he turned around but sighed in relief when he saw it was just you, "where where you I was looking everywhere" he muttered, "singing?" You say in a questioning way,

before he could respond you tugged him into your chest, you knew he was flustered because he moved his hands onto his face to cover his blush, you softly smile as you pick him up, as a reflex he wrapped his legs around you waist making you softly giggle,

You slowly walk through the crowd that wasn't paying any attention to you and walked upstairs into your bedroom, sitting down you now had alastor in your lap you had taken both his and your shoes off. You snuggled alastor onto your bed and both of you fell asleep cuddling.

When you awoke it was around 7:32 am, you also felt another presents behind you turning your head you see k/n asleep in some panda pajamas you bought him. You smile as you slowly lift your self off the bed making sure to not awake them both, walking out into the cheek in room,

"you both have fun last night?~" angel seductively said as he sipped on his coffee, you just glared at him for a moment but ignored the question, "hey charlie" you say looking at charlie who hummed in response, "when did k/n get back?" "oh! He returned 3 hours ago" she replied, you smile walking over to her and giving her a kiss on the forehead, " oh yeah dad said hi" she says,

Hearing a noise behind you, you turned around, " morning sleeping beauty" you say to alastor as he walks down with k/n in his arms, as soon as he got down he put k/n down and walked over to you snuggling his face into your chest earning an 'aw' from Charlie who was then tackled to the ground by k/n.

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