remeeting an old friend.

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You where in your hotel room reading a book when you heard a conversation from down stairs, being the nosey person you where you walked down the stairs.
"Alastor pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure" a voice said.
Your eyes widened as you remembers your human friends name being alastor, but you shook it off sense you knew there can be more people named alastor or changed their name to it,
You continued walking down the stair to see a tall slim windigo like demon now you knew for curtion it was your old friend he sounded like him, he looked like him, and he had the exact same name but all you could do was stare,
After a few seconds you ran upstairs with tears rolling down your face shutting your door.

Charlie's pov:
As I was talking to alastor I heard running, looking up at the stair a could see a figure that was crying... Wait crying " one moment please I need to do something." I said to alastor running after the person,
When I was all the way up the stair I saw the figure run into m/n's room, following the figure I opened the door to a crying M/n by the wall.. "M/n are you okay" I said with worry in my voice, I walked over to m/n hugging his stomach, he crouched down hugging me back,
"what happened?" I asked.
"I..its him.." M/n whimpered.
"Wait that's him!" I quietly yelled.

Flash back:
"Hey m/n" I asked sitting on his lap as he braided my hair.
"Hm?" he hummed in a questioning way,
What happened when you where in the 'human demention' " I asked.
" well.." and with that m/n told me about a boy that he had fallen for and how he was killed.
"In so sorry if that made you uncomfortable to say" I apologized.
" it's fine i needed to get it off my chest anyway" m/n said in the most sweetest voice.

End of flash back:
"Hey at least you finally get to see him after years." I said in a cheerful way.
"I guess your right" m/n said with a little chuckle.
And with that, me and him walked down stairs.
"Sorry about that alastor,i needed to get my brother so he could meet you two." I said with a smile.
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm alastor" alastor said. " pleasure to meet you to alastor, I'm m/n magne" I said. (Alastor had always used a nickname for you so he never really remembered your full name as well as you didn't tell him your real last name) you bowed then walked back into your room.

Stay tuned~

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