pg. 18

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Part 2:

While you where talking to charlie your new friend had wrapped her arms around you, charlie new something bad might happen sense you where never one to be so cuddly towards people you've just met but stopped when you just lifted the tiny female over your shoulders giving that of a piggy back ride,
What you didn't relieve was that a very jealous deer was watching you show a lot of affection to the tiny female. 'why do I feel like this?' alastor questioned himself, "hey al, you good?" husker asked the said male, " yeah, just zoned out" al responded looking at husk. The cat demon just shrugged and went back to drinking his beer.
When al turned back from facing husk m! Y/n and Abby where gone,

Alastor's pov:
"boo" a voice said making me jump a bit, "hey m! Y/n " husk said to the person behind me, I turn around and see m/n a few inches away from my face making me blush a lot it almost put red tomatoes to shame, m/n had lowered himself and it made me feel short compared to him.
"Where's Abby?" I ask m! Y/n, "oh, she fell asleep so I put her in her room" m! Y/n responded giving a caring smile after. Now that m! Y/n was closer he kind of reminded me of m/n but I just brushed if off as 'm/n's not here, he's probably an angel at the moment'. M! Y/n had disappeared when I came back into reality.

M! Y/n's pov:
"How much longer tell we can tell him  m! y/n-kun?" u\h ¡w asked me, "just a little longer, I wanna see if he remembers me before I tell him who I am" I respond to my opposite, "alright~" he said before teleporting away. "Maybe Ill try something different, like give more hints of who I am" I mumble to myself as I stare at my reflection in the mirror I was in front of.

Sorry it was short, I'm tired and out of motivation.

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