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The next day as soon as I got to the school Kayden was after me constantly questioning me about the stone and what the inscription was about. I told him what it had written. He seemed deep in thought so I walked away from him. Not only him but all the guys and Calla were acting weird. Only Sophia behaved like a normal person. The others had stress lines on their foreheads.

It happened soon after the stone incident yesterday. I don't know what to make of it, but I had my mission to fulfil before worrying about anything else. My gut told me that this was no mere accident. It happened on purpose and this person, whoever they were, is dangerous.

I wonder if it could be a gang thing. Kayden does seem off at times and last week I heard Calla talk to Harry about Kayden's fights. That could put a lot of things to rest if only I find out about Kayden's true identity. Because if he is a part of the mafia then it would explain everything.

That afternoon, I went around looking for some Asian kids who seemed suspicious. I've always been a good personality judge. I did find two guys and three girls. But after talking to them, I again came to a dead end because none of them knew anything. Wanting to know more about anyone else who knows the ancient Chinese language, I walked to the office.

"Excuse me?" I asked the lady who was busy typing away on her computer. She was not the same one as before, she looked more calm and patient than the last one. "Could you let me know if there are any students who study ancient Chinese here?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that honey." She said sweetly with a polite smile.

"Please. It's urgent." I pleaded.

"Why would you want to know that?" She said with a raised brow.

"I...um...I just shifted here, and I had a friend who was interested in learning some difficult languages so I want to find him. Please. Please." I desperately pleaded with her. She gave me a mysterious smile and began typing away on the computer.

"Yes. I'll print it for you?" She said sweetly. I wonder why is she being so helpful and why would she go this far. Although I knew that it was against the college rules, I still hoped that she would help me. But I didn't expect her to be this helpful.

"Sure. Thank you." I waited for some time until she handed me the paper and gave me that mysterious smile again. I walked away from there as fast as I could and began looking for the people mentioned on the page. Thankfully she even mentioned those kids' majors.

Didn't she go a little overboard with this?


After talking to the tenth person, I still came up empty handed. The bell rang indicating that it was time for my psychology class. I walked there feeling dejected and low. I guess I should've spent the time with the group after the oh-so-very stressful yesterday.

As soon as I got down on my seat, a ball of paper was thrown at my head. I turned around to see no one behind me as I was in the last seat. There was no window there too. And the seats adjacent to me were empty. There's no way, anyone could throw a ball of paper at me like that.

Terror gripped my chest and suddenly I felt so scared. This wasn't natural. There was something more to it, as I always say but only now do I think that the situation is more grave than I initially thought. Making sure no one was looking at me, I opened the paper and saw that ancient text again.

I entered the picture in my phone and waited for the translation.

你的眼睛看不到我 但是你的靈魂可以 我會被發現 當我想被發現

Your eyes can't see me
But your soul can
I will be found
When I want to be found

What is this game? Should I go to the police with this? Or do I tell my friends or family about this?

I felt as lost as ever and nothing else but fear coursed through my veins. This was not what I expected when I came to the college. Or when I hoped for something interesting. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to enjoy myself with my friends and then find a job and live peacefully. But I get this.


"I want to talk to you all." I said as we all met at the parking lot before going to the house. This was our routine. We would spend around half an hour just talking and having fun. But today it was going to be more serious.

"Okay?" Clayton said, sceptically.

"What do you do Kayden? And what the hell are all of you hiding? This is not a joke and this is not fun anymore. I know I sound rude and bitchy but you need to understand that this terrifies me. You all know what's going on and I don't, and that's scary because I have been receiving these notes and they aren't good." I rambled.

"You got another one?" Kayden asked me with furrowed brows. His huge body radiated heat and subconsciously I took a step closer to him. I needed some comfort and warmth because I was left in the dark. And I am not too fond of the darkness.

"Today in psychology. Same ancient Chinese and it said this." I showed him my phone.

"Bastards. They are targeting her when they know we won't be around to protect her." Clayton hissed. The happy and funny Clayton hissed. I've never seen him angry and today that I saw him, I don't want to see him angry again. His anger is scary. Terrifying.

It was like a switch in him that turned. His eyes turned dark in an instant, he looked scary and gloomy and I could see his brow twitching. That was scary but for some reason, although my body felt terrified for obvious reasons, my mind was completely at ease around him. It was like I trusted him. Trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't hurt me.

"Calm down Clayton. And give me answers."

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