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It's been two days since my parents came to the mansion. I haven't yet visited them. I don't want to. If I could, I would hide away from them for as long as possible. The people who say that running away from your problems is a coward move, don't have any problems in their life. Because for sure it's the easiest way. You can't expect closure by confronting something or someone with who you have nothing to do with. And my parents are the least of my worries.

That day after doing all the assignments I realised it was late. Kayden was exhausted and I didn't want him to drive himself at this hour. He was already half asleep so I just covered him properly and got on my bed beside him. The bed was big enough for the two of us. The next morning we were still sleeping soundly on our sides. Papa John wasn't too happy about this but he managed. We both went to college together and then he dropped me at my house. I quickly picked up the car keys, some of my books and a few outfits and left the house in silence.

Didn't want my parents to know.

"Ava, Diana is here." Joanna whispered as she entered my room. Dammit, what is mother doing here?


"I don't know. But she has been commenting on every single thing. This is not good. I have branded carpets. I have an imported chandelier. Blah blah blah." She made faces and I laughed heartily. She is amazing. I wish she were my mother instead.

"Do I come downstairs?" I asked her, afraid that I will have to go downstairs and greet the stuck-up lady.

"Yes honey. I'm afraid you should."

I just got off the bed when my phone rang. I picked it up and saw Sophia calling me. She then informed me that she is outside my mansion and was waiting for me. Everyone else was there too. So I realised that I'd have to rush back to the house and greet them. Now that is another problem.

"Joanna they are all waiting for me outside the mansion. I have to go there."

"Oh that's great. Diana can do whatever." We both walk downstairs and I see my mother eying me. I didn't greet her. She was the one who told me herself to not greet her. She said I am no one to her and she is no one to me. So it's fair enough.

I walked out and into my car. The drive to my house was not too long and when I reached the gates, I saw several cars there. My father's car was there too. Guess he is just entertaining the guests.

The living room was as silent as a graveyard. My friends sat on the couches and my father was sitting on this brown chair that he liked to call his own. Doesn't matter cause my father doesn't live here. My friend's faces were grim and my father just sat there emotionless, scrutinizing all of my friends with his businesses man glare.

"Hey guys. What's up with this sudden meeting? We all just met in the college." It was five in the evening and I was planning on having a lazy night with Nutella and some books. The assignments were already done so I had nothing to worry about them. After the college got over around two, I straight away drove to papa John's house and spent some time with Jo-Jo.

"We needed to talk about everything. Well almost everything, but seems like you have guests." Clayton spoke eying my father.

"Oh no. He is the owner of this mansion." I blurted out. My father flinched at the way I introduced him and realising my mistake I added, "my father."

"He is your father?!" Harry exclaimed.


"Then who is papa John?" Edward asked in a much calm way.

"His younger brother but more of a dad to me." I replied with pride surging through my veins. Whenever I talk about papa John I feel immensely proud to be associated with a man like him. He is such a selfless, strong and loving person that I feel proud of being raised by him.

"You see how ungrateful she is, Tony?" A shrill voice said from the door. It didn't take me long to recognise that voice.

"Not now Diana. We are having guests."

"I didn't invite them. This is my house, not some club where anyone can enter. Is this what she has been doing all this while? Bringing people in the house and having parties?"

"Diana I said not now!"

"You're taking her side Tony?"

Nobody spoke. I felt humiliated. I wonder how these two keep appearances in front of their business partners when they act like such fucks in front of my friends. Talking about whom, their faces look like they've just seen two dogs having sex in front of their parents. They look that uncomfortable.

"People, I don't think it's the right time to talk. We can do that tomorrow. I'll come to the college early and we can do all the discussions there." I addressed everyone and they all nodded in unison.

"Oh no no. I'm not allowing you to do all stupid stuff. You're going to be home tutored again. I don't want you to go around being an embarrassment." Mother said in that screechy voice.

"No she isn't. If she wants to go to school she will!" Papa John's assertive voice came from the doors. He and Joanna stood there looking ready to fight.

I sighed feeling so angry that I wanted to smash someone's head. I don't want this family drama in front of my friends. Or if I can even call them that. They don't need to know how broken my family is. They don't need to see how my parents treat me. They don't need to know anything about me other than the fact that I'm a supernatural.

"You all should leave. I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I'll call you and let you know about the meeting place or I'll meet at the school." I said rubbing my temple. This is just getting out of hand.

Everyone got up to leave. They all gave me sympathetic looks and walked out the door. I waited until everyone was out of sight.

There were so many bad words I wanted to yell at mother but I restrained myself. Joanna would have my head if she knew how much slang I had in my mind. Glancing at everyone I studied their features. Mother looked furious, and father looked puzzled, torn between two things, papa John was ready to murder my mother and Joanna was ready to bury the body.

"Where have you been for the past two days?" Father asked me.

"With my family, father." I spat. He flinched making me smile internally. He needs to know he doesn't deserve any place in my life. The man who was supposed to be there for me at every step was there for none. He and his wife left me as soon as I was born because their condom broke and I happened to be in the womb. It's not my fault. I didn't tell them to have sex when they were 15!

"That's no way to talk to your dad bitch!" Mother interjected.

"The only bitch here is you." Joanna fired back.

"Tony you're going to stand there and let her talk like that to me?!" Mother screeched again.

"Diana just stop interrupting me!" Father snapped. He then looked at me. "So this is what you do? Hang out with friends or at my brother's place? Be mature Ava. You're 17 not a kid anymore. Focus on your studies and career. No need to fool around!"

"At least I'm 17 and fooling around. Not 15!"

Father stepped forward and slapped me. I heard several gasps but what startled me was the growl. All eyes turned towards the door where Kayden stood fuming. Next to him was Clayton who too looked deadly. They are supposed to be my protectors and now they saw him slap me and damn.

My thoughts aren't clear.

I didn't feel the pain. I just felt my heart clench at the thought that my father slapped me. My cheek didn't hurt as much as my chest did, at that moment. And right now seeing the rage in Kayden's eyes, I felt myself burning with anger too. I whipped my head around and glared at my father. He was still angry but nowhere near as furious as I.

"How dare you?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Don't provoke me next time onwards Ava. I will not hesitate to show you your place." He hissed back at me. Now, this didn't hurt because I was blinded by rage. All I saw in front of me, was a man who abandoned me, a man who didn't give a shit about a newborn baby, a man who claims to be so posh and elegant but is nothing but a shame to humanity. A man who just hit me.

And I'm no one to forgive easily.

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