Family Dinner.

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Once we reached the house, I rushed inside to make the chocolate cake. I asked Jo-Jo to rest for a while because she already looked worn out. Papa John put her to bed and then came down to prepare dinner with me. This was our thing. Whenever someone would come home we made dinner together. There were no helpers to cook meals.

Joanna did it herself and when she didn't feel like it, we would either order takeouts or papa John and I would cook. Every weekend of mine is spent at their place so there was no worries for me. Once mother and father would leave, I will be moving back in the mansion.

While papa John prepared the main course of the meal, I briskly made the cake batter and put it in the oven. Then helped papa John prepare the food, regarding which he was having a little freak out session. Once everything was ready we both paused, glanced at each other and then at the pots on the stoves, then again at each other and made a run for our own rooms.

I reached there fast and got the bath running. I was tired after the long week. The holidays begin from tomorrow onwards so practically I'm free. I have nothing to do. But I do have to meet with the group tomorrow and figure out as to who is going where.

I sat in the Apple scented bath and relaxed. I have always loved the smelled of apples. I'm not too fond of the flowery scents but even with fruits I like to go with apples. Except for my face care, everything else is apples for me. Apple bath, apple perfume, apple lotion.

The water was so warm and soothing against my skin that I felt all of my muscles relax. In my head I imagined little hands unknotting the tight knots in my body. And it felt amazing. That is until I opened my eyes and saw, these tiny little creatures like Tinkerbell working their hands on my body.

I gasped which caught their attention.

The fairies giggled together and flew up so they could talk to me. All of them looked so serene, so cute that all I wanted to do was stare at them. My chest filled with warmth. My hands raised up on their own and the little creatures sat down on my palm. There were six of them.

"Fairies?" I whispered. They were so small that I was afraid if I'd spoken louder they would vanish or it would hurt them.

They all nodded vigorously.

"How?" Was the only word I could muster.

"You summoned us. And we have to serve our saviour." A fairy in yellow dress blushed.

"You are so cute. Awe." I couldn't help myself. I just couldn't pretend that seeing them my heart didn't feel warm. That I didn't feel the need to make sure that they are all happy.

"Thank you." They all said simultaneously and giggled.

"Ava? You okay there?" Joanna knocked at my bathroom door. I looked at the fairies in panic. They just smiled, blew air kisses and vanished.

My heart pained for a split second when they went out of my sight but I knew that I can summon them again. I quickly drained the bath, washed away the soap in the shower and got out wearing my bathrobe.

Joanna had left my room, but she picked out my clothes and shoes for me. It was slightly chilly outside but inside the house it was relatively warm. I changed into the clothes and tied my hair up in a messy ponytail. I was just putting on the earrings when papa John knocked at my door and came inside.

"You want to tell them about Tony and Diana?" He asked me softly.

"Hiding it from them will be wrong no?" I replied and sat down beside him.

"I wish you were ours. You didn't deserve anything that they put you through." He confessed lowly.

"I'll always be your daughter. Blood relations means little to me. They should have thought about things before abandoning me. You didn't even think before loving me as your own. So you will always be my papa John." I asserted and rested my head on his shoulder.

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