His Army.

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"Clayton? Are you alright?" I asked frantically on the phone, whereas Kayden was completely normal while talking to Calla and Sebastian.

"Yes. Why?" He asked back.

"Nothing I'll tell you later. I got to go."

Next I called Dylan and Edward who were both okay too. None of them had faced any attacks from Aldrik. And that left me to wonder, what was he playing at? Why just go after me? Because he could very well go after my friends too.

That left me to one conclusion. He doesn't have many creatures on his side and he wants to use them carefully. Because otherwise he would have been terrorising the people I know. My supernatural friends and those people back in Greece. I wonder if they faced anything such as this.

And he just sent four of his army people to assassinate me. Was he confident that they would kill me? Or was he just testing my skills? He must've been doing something regarding these tiny attacks or perhaps it's his way of telling me that he wouldn't back down. That he will fight because he has some mythical creatures on his side.

"Oh Ava? You're alright right? They came for you too didn't they?" Harry asked me through the phone.

"Yes...yes... I'm fine. But they came for you? How many?"

"Two of them. I killed those bitches. C'mon I'm a vampire. They couldn't stand me." He boasted making me chuckle.

"But why would they come for you and not anyone else?"

"Wait you mean no one else was attacked?"

Kayden took the phone from my hands and put it on speaker. I glared at him but he paid no heed to me. "For me and Ava and now you. I guess it was because Aldrik saw you and her being close. So he thought that it would hurt her if something happened to you."

"It would hurt me if anything happened to any of you." I interjected.

"Way to make me feel loved Ava." Harry spoke.

"Right, I would make it upto you later. But right now, just go somewhere safe. And I don't know what to say? What are you supposed to tell your friend when they just got attacked because of you? I wish things were easy for us, but you have to deal with this all don't you? But Harry it's gonna be okay. I promise. Don't worry."

"You don't worry. You're freaking out. Kayden buddy, take her home. We'll see each other tomorrow. And I'll bring you dark chocolate." Harry promised.

"She doesn't like dark chocolate." Kayden said through gritted teeth.

"I do. I love them." I raised my brow at him, daring him to say something else, but thankfully he didn't.

"You both, sort it out, I'm gonna go." Harry cut the call and left me and Kayden alone with my phone in his hand. And me glaring at him.

He just makes me feel so weird and crazy on the inside that all I want to do is punch him. He does deserve some good few punches. Especially with asking me about Harry, when he went away with Stephanie and didn't even bother explaining. Not that I asked and I don't even want to. He has his freedom. He didn't promise anything to me.

But Kayden did make some serious confessions the other day and I thought he was as serious as me. Apparently he wasn't and that stung a bit but then I was okay. It's my fault for having outwardly expectations from him. Because I should have learnt that no matter what I expect, I am always disappointed.

"I'll drop you to your car. Let's go." I told him and made a move to get in my car but was blocked by him. "Move. I need to get home before it's too late."

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