Chapter 5: Enigmatic

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"Let's build a box for you!"

"Is Genya here right now?" (Y/n) askes while standing in front of Himejima's front door

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"Is Genya here right now?" (Y/n) askes while standing in front of Himejima's front door.

"He is on a mission right now, he will return tomorrow," Himejima replied.

(Y/n) then said her goodbyes and started heading out towards the field.

In hopes to find him.

"A few more minutes until sundown," (Y/n) muttered out loud while looking at the sky which is already turning darker.

She started walking towards where she met Upper Moon 1 the other night. Maybe he is looking for her too?

No sound of a lousy flute playing in the distance. No full moon today. No sign of him here.

"Should I wait longer?" She asked herself while looking up at the only light that enlightened the field at night.

" should...wait more."

(Y/n) turned around, her (h/l) flowing with the wind.

"Ah stupid hair its blowing in my face! Hello again Kokushibou," (Y/n) waved at him.

"You were...going to go...and not wait...for me," he said.

"I was going wait! I just wanted to walk around here, so now that you are here..."

"A...festival?" He questioned.

"Mmmh you can change into a not-so-demon form right?" She questioned him.


"Or I can buy a mask for you," she suggested.

"Its fine...I can change," he said.

"Well where do you want to go now? There is food, games, dance and much more!"

"I want mitarashi dango."

"Hm mitarashi dango does sound good, come on let's go get some," she exclaimed while grabbing his hand and dragging him around. His hands were cold and soft, no blisters due to the fact that he could regenerate and stay young and beautiful.

"5 mitatashi dango's please," (Y/n) told the seller while putting 5 fingers up.

"Here you go, enjoy."

"Kokushibou, grab one."

(Y/n) told him while moving the dango's closer to him.

With his pale hands he grabbed the middle one,sticking to the others while he tried to pull it away slowly. Putting the sweet rice dough in his mouth, the stick pointing out of his mouth.

(Y/n) also plopped one I her mouth, biting one little ball first and turned to smile at her demon friend walking along side her to her left.

"The stars are pretty today, I wish they looked like this everyday," she said breaking the awkward silence.

"If you see them...from the mountains...they look even more...dazzling," he stated.

"Oyakata-sama knows about you and me meeting, I bet he even knows about us being in this festival right now," she said while eating the last little ball and grabbed a second stick, while Kokushibou grabbed his 3rd.

"Can you eat human food instead of humans?" (Y/n) questioned looking up at him.

"Yes...but we grow weaker...if we don't eat blood," he said.

"I know what you want, for me to join your side. I will under one condition," he said, this time without pauses in between.

"And what will the condition be?"

"I need blood in order to still be strong and fight along side you."

"Then...we will figure it out, just give me some time to think," she said.

"One of my friends has a demon sister, he said that he plans to find a cure for his sister. We can help him and cure you too!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know...about that. I don't be human again."


"Ahh home sweet home," I said outloud while finally sitting on the small couch.

"Where have you been?!" Sanemi said out of no where. I flinched and turned around while smiling and waving. I thought he was on a mission.

"Oh me? I was- I was with my f-friend," I said nervously.

"Yeah I totally believe you," he said whole rolling his eyes.

"Go ask...go ask Muichiro! He saw me," I suggested, I hope Muichiro can cover me.

And now we are in front of Muichiro's estate, Sanemi could not wait till tomorrow. Now I was growing even more nervous.

"What do you want," Muichiro said while having sleepy eyes.

"Mui Mui! Sanemi wants to a-ask you something," I said while I swear dropped, making a signal with my eye(like girl language-) telling him to help me out.

"Did you see (y/n) in a festival with a friend?"

"Yes, he had yellow hair. Now get out of my view," he answered them slammed the door shut. Sanemi blinked two times before proceeding to walk to the estate again.

"I told you, I can't believe you didn't believe me, I feel hurt nemi," I said while putting my acting skills on and making a tear escape from my eyes.

"Cut the crap I know your just acting."

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"I'll come at night...when your mission... starts. Don't worry...I always know where you are.

"Wow don't say it all creepy like, I got chills Kokushibou. What about muzan? Can't get track you or something?"

"He can...only track us if...we still share a bond with him...that bond broke years ago..."

"Ahh I see, well I better head back now, Sanemi is going to kill me if I come even more late. Make sure to write letters to me."

"I will."

"Kokushibou, your so...enigmatic."

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆
𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝: 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5: 𝙴𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝: 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5: 𝙴𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌

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