Reincarnation: 1

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Hey everyone! Author here, I felt like I ended the story with a cliffhanger and I myself don't like them SOOOO I decided to keep writing this story a little further, in where (y/n) Sakai and  are reincarnated, but who know, maybe someone else got reincarnated too.

(Y/n) Sakai
Was once a very loved demon slayer
Age: 16
School: Kimetsu Academy
Grade: 10th

"Sakai-san is so cool and smart! She offered me her napkin because a drink spilled on vest, she's amazing in everyway."
- student

"Sakai-chan is crazy rich, she's really pretty too. Do you guys think I have a shot?"
- student

"She's the 2nd top of the whole school! Beating even those in higher grades, she's polite and elegant, she makes Kimetsu Academy look good."
- principal

Michikatsu Tsukiguni
Was once Upper One
School: Kimetsu Academy
"Tsukiguni-san is so...I have no words."
- student

"Well he is super smart but his personality doesn't make him any better."
- student

"He is top one in the school, I wonder is studying is all he does."
- principal

Kimetsu Academy

Math, English, Japanese, Volleyball, Chemistry....I got them all down!
I've been studying extra hard to beat him and get top one, second isn't enough!

(Y/N) Sakai has been studying...a little more since the last encounter with Tsukiguni. And hence she has thought of him as her "rival." Although he finds her rather intresting she rages when she sees him. Quite the polar opposites.

"(Y/n) I honestly think you are taking this way too hard. You are top two what more could you want? Look at me, I'm like rank 100000 and still am perfectly fine," her friend Kocho Shinobu was saying as she slurped down the taro boba she got to keep her hydrated tru her studies, they were both in the library studying for their first upcoming math test.

"Let's just go already and hit the arcade or something, this is getting real boring."

"Shinobu-san, you can go you know. Don't feel obligated to be here. I'll catch u next week during lunch!" the very sweet (Y/n) said while still writing her notes and not glancing up. And with that Shinobu left her studying.

'Hm what song should I put...' the (h/c) girl said as she tapped her pen on her chin while having one hand on her phone swiping tru spotify. She had brought her AirPods Max to the library in her bag and wasn't using them because she was hearing shinobu thus thinking it was rude to be listening to music while having a friendly moment with her.

Her schedule was packed to the brim. Volleyball games, tests, club activities and more. And it was ONLY the first month of school!

"Just thinking about my schedule makes me stressed..." she muttered.

The library wasn't busy today, it was friday why in the world would anyone want to stay at school instead of beginning their weekend early.

Two individuals didn't think that.

The sound of a door opening was heard, it echoed tru the whole library. (Y/n) couldn't even hear, her headphone volume was too loud.

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