Chapter 14: Twists and Turns

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Okay I'm alive and finally updating :)
Add me on genshin my uid is 637003816 <3

Okay I'm alive and finally updating :)Add me on genshin my uid is 637003816 <3

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*reminder that Muichiro is 16 years old here*

"M-mui what are you doing here I thought you were out on a mission," (y/n) sweatdropped and stepped backwards.

"I forgot something so I came back for it."

"Oh okay...uh...have fun I guess," the heavy aura of jealousy was very awkward at this moment, Zenitsu and Muichiro were having a glaring contest while (y/n) was walking away.

"Instead of focusing on (y/n), try harder on your training. She'll never see you like that, at least not in reality," with those final words, Muichiro walked away with the mist, leaving poor Zenitsu alone.


(Y/n) was currently in the small library she had in Sanemi's estate. Kokushibou and her would always read a book, he would write on his journal while she read the book in a clear voice.

While searching for a book, her eyes caught one she had never seen before. It had no title, it looked more like a journal.

Opening the first page she understood this writing very well.

Kokushibou's Journal
Italics is his writing

Day 1

I recently got this notebook, I bought it from the marketplace on my way here. I hope I find her or master would be very disappointed in me.

"Find who..."

Day 2

We met. Under the moonlight right when the stars glowed the brightest. I gave the flower to her, it's the least I can do before turing her life into a living nightmare. Should I feel pity or should I feel joy for finally accomplishing something other than killing other people?

Scared to turn to the other page, (y/n) was putting all the peices together.

Day 5

I've become attached to her. Why must a person so kind hearted be my enemy?

" lying to me."


(Y/n) POV

I'm not telling anyone about this situation. Not even Oyakata-sama.

"It's too risky to go to war right now. I'll just keep playing with his game then when the time is right and he finally does something, I won't be so surprised since I already know all this...but then again, what us going to happen..." she muttered to herself.

3rd Person POV

"What do you already know?" A voice said from behind her. Eyes wide open, (y/n) flinched, her heart was beating fast and she slowly turned her head only to meet dark blue eyes staring right down at her soul.

The dark piercing gaze was going to give her nightmares later.

"Giyū? How long have you been there?" She sweatdropped slightly, in her head she was hoping he'd say he just arrived. But no...

"Long enough to hear what you were saying. So tell me (y/n), what is it  you're hiding?" He asked her while leaning down and grabbing her chin slightly, tilting it up so she can face him again.


"Hurry, or I'll tell Shinazugawa-san, he hates thag demon anyways."

"It's- Um- well you see- uhh- kokushibouislyingtomebuticanresolveitveryquicklybecauseithinkandimcertainthatattheendhewilldomenoharm!"

"Huh?" Giyū was dumbfounded, his expression on his face was everything.

"So let's get this straight, that demon friend actually means alot of harm, apparently?" Giyū asked.

"Technically,  theoretically,  basically,  yeah. But now I that think about it, he probably took that trip because he needed to think," (y/n) had to be honest here, she was just trying to defend him and push herself away from the truth.

"Even if that may be the case, we still need to keep our guards up. Tell Muichiro to accompany you eventide you go out or something," giyū had a hand on his chin while thinking of diffrent ideas.

"Why Muichiro?" (Y/n) plopped down on the couch and started reading a book.

"Isn't he your boyfriend?"

(Y/n) nearly choked on her saliva and sat up quickly.

"Muichiro is NOT my boyfriend. He's to busy to date anyways!"

"I mean you two are kinda a good match, aren't you only like 8 days older than him?"

"Yeah, and since when did this conversation turn out to be like this? I'm going to sleep before my next mission so go," (y/n) quickly shut the door and ran to her room.

Grabbing the near by pillow she let out a scream of frustration. Her cheaks where red from the intense blushing.

"How could I possibly even date Muichiro, he doesn't even like me back."

Stardust: KNY x Reader
Chapter 14: Twists and Turns

Stardust: KNY x ReaderChapter 14: Twists and Turns

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