Chapter 10 : Train

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- Writing while listening to 'Coffee' by BTS -

"What?! You had the chance and you failed?" Obanai shouted at Shinobu who was in the brink of tears.

"I tried my hardest, why don't you try it?"

"What happened?" (Y/n), who happened to walk by at the moment over heard the conversation.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Shinobu gave a reassuring smile.

"Um okay, then I'll be going to report to Oyakata-sama about my mission," (Y/n) bowed slightly and was about the head in the estate but Obanai grabbed her wrist.

"Gramps I want to take a nap, I'll be back quickly," she yawned.

"He is resting right now and told me that you can report tomorrow," Obanai lied.

"If you say so, good night," she waved and headed towards the field like always.

"I tried my best, why are you even arguing?" Shinobu tried grabbing Obanai's haori but failed when he slapped her hand away.

"You don't deserve to be a Hashira if you can't even save your leader while having the chance."


"I mean, I blink with all my eyes most of the time but sometimes I don't because litte air particles get in, and that's annoying so I mostly stay in this form now," Kokushibou was no longer talking with pauses which was one thing (Y/n) notice. He was in his human look form right now, he looked very handsome.(You really can't deny that Kokushibou looks hot).

He started blinking one eye at a time trying to keep his other eyes opened until it was thier turn. (Y/n) covered her mouth from laughing at what he was doing but failed to keep the laugh. All of a sudden Kokushibou began to laugh too, a big smile that (Y/n) had never seen was lighting up his face.

"You smiled! And laughed! It makes me happy!" (Y/n) hugged him tightly which made Kokushibou stiff, since he didn't get much hugs.

"You like it when I smile and laugh?" He questioned tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Of course I do, like I said, it makes me happy to know you are having a good time."

"Then I'll try to smile more often for you."

"I won't force you to do anything, I want a pure smile from you, not a forced one."

Kokushibou nodded and began to play with (Y/n)'s hair, trying to braid it and make it different.

"Did you like I clip I gave you?" He unclipped it and put it aside to use it for later.

"Mhm it matches with my outfit, and the colours are pretty," (Y/n) was sitting with her knees together touching the ground.

The tall grass from the fields was moving alongside the soft wind that blew with every second.

"Do you like it?" Kokushibou finished braiding (Y/n)'s hair and showed it slightly to her.

"I never knew you could style hair, it's good," (Y/n) got the clip and put it in the side of her hair to trap her baby hairs that bothered her.

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