Muichiro Special Pt.1

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Chapter dedicated to jnyngkztr

You can skip this chapter because it's an extra but it will kind of affect the story line revealing some clues. I'll update on December 25 again TvT.

"We have located her my lord," a certain demon said while kneeling down.

"Finally. And here I thought I was going to have to do everything myself. Bring her to me. 12:00 today."

"As you wish, my lord."


"There you are," a soft voice was heard from behind (Y/n).

"Mui what has brought you here?" (Y/n) was in the kitchen making some snacks for her to take in future missions.

"Mitsuri has invited us to the hot springs and asked me to tell you to come. We are leaving in an hour or so," his inoccent eyes looked into hers while saying evey word.

"One hour?! Fine let me pack a small bag-"

"That won't be necessary, Mitsuri already prepared eveything so let's get going," Muichiro grabbed (y/n)'s hand and began running towards Mitsuri's estate.

"Slow down we have an hour," (y/n) was practically being dragged by the hand. Muichiro was way faster than her and she couldn't catch up.

"Let me carry you if your tired."

(Y/n)'s face started to blush a faint pink imagining the thought of that happening. While she was stuck in her fantasy, Muichiro scooped her up bridal style and started walking.

"W-wait won't you get tired?" (Y/n) frantically asked.

"No. Now be quiet and stay still," he gave a small giggle and smiled.

Muichiro POV

(Fun fact being a writer in wattpad helped me with the district writing test.)

Her trusting me and having her secure in my grasp is all I could ever want.

Her cute blush heated up my heart. She snuggled up more against my chest.

If I could stop time, I'd stop the moment I'm living right now.

I wish I could tell her how I'm feeling right now,but even if she were to have the same feelings towards me, I know very well that her heart belongs to someone else.

"I see that you have here very comfortable in your arms." I quickly turned around and expected the person with that deep voice to be there but to my least expectations, no one was there.

'Could I be hallucinating?' I thought.

"Mui you seem out of place, is something wrong?"

"No. I'm fine. We arrived let's go inside shall we?" I said with a slight smile, "Ladies first."

"Ha, always a gentleman Mui," (Y/n) pinched my cheeks so gently with her soft hands that a blush was plastered on my face.

"Finally! You arrived (Y/n) and Tokito-san. Iguro-san and me are just getting eveything prepared. Can you go help him? You stay here Tokito-san." Mitsuri opened the door for us and quickly welcomed us into her home. But (Y/n) going with Iguro? Mitsuri being the person she is probably has gotten a clue about me and is trying to get something out of me... but then again it's not bad since she can help me-

"Tokito-san! I've called you 3 times already. Get your head out of the clouds and do something."

"Actually, there is something I've been meaning to tell you."

I'll post the next part this upcoming week for ygs!
Now that I'm thinking about it- have I introduced Mitsuri in this story yet?

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