Chapter 26: L-O-V-E

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Miles away from his former location, (Y/N) sat down and took a momentary rest to catch his breath. Using Exodus' Trump Card is always taxing on his body. That being the main reason he seldom uses it, but he had been using it more lately and the consequences had... lessened.

There was still the blood thing, where his body forced out some by coughing his lungs out, but there had been less of that lately. It was as if his body was finally beginning to fully accept Exodus. It's just a theory, but it's one he figured he should look into more at a later date. With that in mind, he shoved that into the back of his brain.

(Y/N) slowly lifted the hand Mine had shot through minutes ago. There was no blood, no pain. Just a scar.

(Y/N): <That's odd.>

Even if he used his Trump Card, he should've felt pain again by the time he stopped using it. There should be blood gushing from the wound.

Stupefied, (Y/N) closed his eyes for a few seconds. Then he opened them again.

The scar was still there.

(Y/N): <What...?>

Well, what about his left hip?

That appeared to be fine as well. The wound closed up, no blood, just a scar.

To his knowledge, Exodus' Trump Card didn't give him regenerative abilities. It only gave him a drastic increase in physical attributes and momentarily closed up any wounds he had. Once his Trump Card was no longer being used, the wound usually opened immediately once again.

But there was no pain this time. Just scars and the memory of how he got them.

(Y/N) wasn't going to complain about this, of course, but he did find it rather peculiar. Once again, he would have to look into this later.

(Y/N): <I guess I should head back now. If what Tatsumi said was true about Bolic, then I don't have to worry about killing him off. And since Suzuka didn't make an appearance...>

With nothing else on his mind currently, he decided to make his trek back to Kyoroku.

A few hours later

The walk back was a bit longer than expected, but (Y/N) made it. As he had mentally prepared himself for what the city would have looked like left in the wake of Night Raid's attack, he was still surprised.

(Y/N): "Damn..."

Who knew a group of Imperial Arms-wielding assassins could cause so much damage in a single night. A good chunk of the city was in ruin, fires were being put out, and there were a few bodies as well.

One thing is clear for sure: Night Raid is extremely efficient. But of course, (Y/N) already knew this given who was coordinating everything.

Despite being amongst chaos and carnage, (Y/N) walked through the city casually. Scenes like this weren't new to him as he has seen his fair share of this over the years.

But right now, his focus was on finding the Jaegers. Despite all of them being rather strong individually, there was no guarantee any of them were currently alive. The only one he wasn't stressing over was Esdeath because he knows she's more than capable of holding her own. The others, however, are still a question mark.

(Y/N): <I shouldn't have gone after those two... Damn it! I should've stayed with the others! If I did, I wouldn't be having these doubtful thoughts...>

He cursed himself for not staying in the palace and instead electing himself to watch over the city with Suzuka. Now that he thought about it, it was a poor decision on his part. At least Tatsumi did him a favor and killed the last of the Rakshasa Demons(he assumed she was dead anyway). That made him feel a little better about the situation.

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