Chapter 1

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He lifted his gavel and slammed it down upon the small and circular platform before him, silencing the countries in the crowd below. 

“This world meeting is now adjourned. Please leave the room in an orderly fashion without any childish fighting.” The UN averted his gaze over to a particular country, making eye contact with him. “I'm looking at you, America.”

The American opened his mouth to respond to his insult, but Britain ushered him off his chair and down the steps to the exit. France and America's siblings followed as they laughed at a joke one of the brothers made.

Many countries stayed behind in the room and interacted with each other, talking about normal everyday events that occur between their work and family life. They left after half an hour, returning back home to continue living their lives.

The UN yawned as he locked the door to his office. He carried his coat and suitcase with him down the hallway, passing by the other organizations who were near the exit of the building in another room. They noticed the tall man leaving and called for him.

The UN turned back and looked into the room, standing underneath the doorway. 

“Tired already?” The EU asked him.

The UN nodded. “Yes, today was one hell of a day. I will be seeing you all tomorrow.”

The rest of the organizations within the room wished him a goodnight. The UN smiled and  waved goodbye to them, exiting through the doors and looking up at the moon. The doors shut behind him as he flapped his big white wings. He flew into the starry night sky and headed towards his house.

His eyes felt heavy with his tiredness starting to take over. He forced himself awake every time he almost fell asleep midair. He took a glance back at the direction he came from then looked forward just in time to crash into Poland.

The winged men flew back a little and rubbed their heads, groaning at the pain they had just endured.

Poland blinked and looked at the person he just crashed into.

“Oh my! I am so sorry, sir!” He went up to the UN. “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine. Are you alright though?”

Poland nodded. “Yup! Now if you excuse me, I have to go grab something that I left in your building. Farewell and goodnight!”

He left with a bright and happy smile.

The UN sighed and looked at his hand, and with a gasp, he realized that he had dropped his suitcase. He dived down onto the grassy surface and examined the area for it.

While looking for his suitcase, he suddenly heard the cry of a young child. He perked up and spun around, rushing toward the sound. 

He pushed the branches and leaves of the bush aside, seeing his suitcase alongside a basket with a blanket covering a human baby. They cried loudly but finally stopped once they were picked up out of the basket and cradled in the organization's arms. 

“What is a human baby like you doing here?” He wiggled his finger above them. The child grasped his finger and brought it closer to their face.

The UN chuckled. “You are so cute.” He looked around. “I am taking you with me. There is no way you are staying out here without anybody to care for you.”

He took the basket and his suitcase into one hand and carried the child in the other. He flew home, and once he arrived, he set them down on his bed and gave them a bottle of milk. Afterwards, he put them to sleep and built a crib for them. 

Gently placing them into the crib, he smiled down at them and sighed. He left and prepared himself some dinner to eat. When he finished eating, he quietly cleaned his house and got himself ready for bed. A couple times he had to return to his room to tend to the baby, but in the end he completed his chores.

However, before he went to bed, he checked if there was anything else in the basket. He discovered a small written note under the blanket.

“For whoever finds this note, please take care of our baby. We have been on the run for months now from an army of evil soldiers who work for a man who has been at war with our country. We have decided to give our child a better life by letting them go, by sending them into this vehicle that will be heading towards the United States. I ask again, please care for our child. I want them to have a better life than we do. Thank you.”

In the morning, he brought the crib into the living room where he watched them as he made some breakfast for himself and the baby. He also got ready for work.

As he adjusted his tie and stared into the mirror, he wondered whether or not he should take you and show you to the rest of the organizations and countries. He came to the conclusion that he would because everyone will know that a human was in their world. If he hid them from everyone else, in the future when they're older, they may run into a country or organization and cause a panic.

When he arrived at work, he first presented the baby to his organization friends and called another world meeting. The organizations were fascinated once they saw the little human. They each got to hold them in their arms.

Later in the day, the countries and organizations gathered up once more. Some countries were angered and others were curious. 

“Today we are all here together because yesterday night I found something in the woods, a young human child in a basket.” The UN announced. “To avoid future conflict, I have decided to tell you all this day. It is now my responsibility to care for this human baby and I don't want any of you to ever harm them… or else. If you would like to come see them, stop by the room next to the exit of this building. The FBI and CIA are currently in there watching over them.”

The countries spoke to one another, many were excited to see the baby. Over the course of the day, many countries came by the room and saw the human child. France almost fainted, Nekomi (Japan's sister) bought them a cat plush, and Soviet Union got them a mini (F/C) ushanka. 

The UN flopped down onto his couch and looked at the sleeping human in the crib. EU, ASEAN, NATO, FBI, and CIA sat down on the other couches and also stood around the crib. 

“Hey, UN?” The CIA said.

The UN perked up. “Yes?”

“Do you have a name for the child yet?” She asked.

The organization shook his head. “What do you guys think? What should be their name?”

There was a moment of silence while everyone thought of a name.

“Oh! I know!” ASEAN exclaimed. “How about (Y/N)?”

The FBI looked over at the human child and smiled. “(Y/N). That's a perfect name for them.”

”(Y/N) it is then.” The UN said.

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