Chapter 18

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Britain's arm quivered as he held the deagle in his hand, nervous, hesitant, and scared. The long ranged weapon was loaded and ready to be used, but he didn't fear missing the bullet, instead he just refused to kill his own mother. Yes, she was a bitch, an annoying woman who deserves every bad thing coming her way, but she is his mother. He remembered being raised by her as a child for some years before she was banished. Mother and son, hanging out and having fun outside in the wilderness and inside running about, reading, learning. His heart ached and the invisible force within held him back. He put the gun in the hidden pocket in the fancy jacket he wore.

UN narrowed his eyes and kept his gaze on the wicked woman in front of him. British Empire gazed back at him with her evil smile, slowly reaching her hand out and grabbing the bottom right of his chin. UN leaned back, trying to get her hand off his face, but he was stuck in one place and could not move as much, so he quit and let her. 

"It's been a dream of mine to kill you. Every single one of us surrounding you has dreamed of this day where you get what you deserve." British Empire said with a gentle yet terrifying tone. 

"It should be you and your henchmen who should be kneeing." Kazakhstan blurted out. "You deserve something that's worse than death! Eternal suffering sounds good for a spawn of Satan such as yourself!" 

"He's right." Belarus added. "We've said this time and time again, UN gave you chances but you took them as if they were absolutely nothing to you."

The British woman grinded her teeth together in anger. She swiftly reached into her pocket, but before she could pull out her knife, the sound of a gun being cocked was heard behind her. Britain, her own son, held a gun to the back of her head. 

"Don't move a muscle." He said, the henchmen in the room raising their weapons. 

Belarus turned her head to the nearest enemy and tackled them, also holding her gun to their head. 

"Britain! What are you doing!?" British Empire questioned, extremely pissed to the core.

UN and his army got back up on their feet and forced the enemies on their knees. 

Well, it looks like the tables have turned.

"Take off your masks and cloaks, all of you!" EU demanded.

They each took their masks and cloaks, revealing their faces. The only one who refused to follow the organization's orders was the one Belarus held hostage. The henchman didn't want to do it, so Ukraine held them and did it for them. Ukraine was shocked when she saw who it was, dropping the two items she held in her hands.

"North Korea!? You're alive!?" America asked.

The Korean glared at his enemies. 

"Wait…" Russia approached him, "You killed your own brother, didn't you?"

"Don't forget FBI and CIA!" Australia added.

"He was an irritating little bastard, that's why I murdered him. Plus, when FBI and CIA walked off to throw our bodies away, I couldn't help but get the extra kills." The Korean smiled, his sharp teeth showing. "It was so easy. They had their guard down and within seconds they laid dead on the ground below me. I'll tell you this, it was satisfying to finally get rid of some organizations for once."

NATO clenched his fists. He had killed his best friend, FBI. 

"Germany's father helped me silence my brother. He was going to kill the Soviet as soon as we finished with my brother, but the lights switched on before he could. Time ran out." North Korea chuckled. "I'm guessing that he isn't with you because you found out about his secret working here for British Empire."

Soviet wasn't surprised, Third Reich had attempted to kill him multiple times already in the past. Russia and his siblings on the other hand were furious since on the day of the murders, they could have lost their father. 

UN walked up to British Empire, who was kneeling with her son standing behind her. He still held the gun to the back of her head. She looked up at him with the same evil smile.

"Why are you still smiling?" UN asked. 

"Why am I still smiling? Well, I finally got what I wanted." She responded.

"What—?" UN couldn't complete his sentence because he was immediately shot in the back by three bullets. Everybody in the room became shocked as they watched the organization collapse onto the floor. 

EU and ASEAN rushed up by his side while the rest of the allies dealt with whoever shot UN. They whipped around to the doorway where Martial Law stood, spinning his gun in his hand. He aimed his gun and shot at Canada, New Zealand, Germany, etc.

A mysterious figure snuck up behind him and tackled him, swiping his weapon off his hands and cuffing his wrists together. The allies stopped in their tracks as the figure ran upstairs, leaving Martial Law on the floor. America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand forced him up onto his feet and threw him over to Ukraine. She was next to Belarus, who was still holding North Korea. 

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. The ceiling above them started to fall in on them and dust filled the space around them. 

"What is going on!?" Kazakhstan shouted.

"The building is falling! Get underneath something!" Soviet Union exclaimed. 

EU and ASEAN lifted UN up and slid him under a table. Many of the enemies ran up the stairs, but they didn't make it to the surface. 

The facility collapsed in on itself.

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