Chapter 10

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The mansion collapsed with your father and friends inside while the rest of the villainous countries stood outside and witnessed the explosion occur. British Empire was not happy with Third Reich though, even if he was dead, his job was to take you out of the building. She did order him to take you upstairs into your room, but it was a trick to fool UN. Third Reich knew this, but he instead betrayed her, and now she was more pissed off than usual. However, she did have her son with her at least, he was just unconscious at the moment. She demanded her henchmen to search for you, and after moving a lot of rubble, they found you in the arms of UN. 

He was out cold, and so were you, but you were both barely alive. British Empire rushed up to you and scooped you up into her arms, handing you to her best medics. She glared at UN's damaged body, seeing his hands twitch and his eyes open slowly. The two made eye contact, and without any hesitation, British Empire stepped on his back, making the organization hiss in pain. The woman grabbed one of his wings and grinned, tugging on it to make UN react.

"What are you doing!?" He asked, concerned and afraid.

"Tell me, UN, do all angels have wings?~" She pressed her heel more into his back. 

"Don't d—do what I think y—you're going to do!" UN stuttered.

"Oh, but not all angels have them. You claim that you save everyone by banishing us violent countries. Why need the wings when you already have your words, hands, and body!?" British Empire tore his wing off, laughing hysterically. 

UN screamed in pain, his cries echoing throughout the mountains for miles. The area where his wing was attached bled, and due to the severe pain he received, the organization passed out. 

British Empire tossed his wing aside and walked back to her people. A match was thrown onto the concrete and dirt after some gasoline was poured around the perimeter and the rubble left from the building. A ring of fire lit up, and soon they all got into vehicles and drove off, descending the mountain to reach their secondary hidden base. 

Fire burnt the area for minutes as the only sound anyone could hear was the crackling of the flames. No movement came from the chunks of metal, wood, and steel that made up the mansion beforehand. It seemed like nobody survived the explosion, except for UN, who might even die soon to the fire or blood loss. 

A big piece of metal was thrown into the air and landed in the ring of fire. More wood and metal was pushed aside as Soviet uncovered his comrades. He picked each and every one of them up, carrying them out of the ring of fire and somewhere safe. He checked their pulses and everyone seemed to still be alive and breathing. He searched for UN, finally finding him and tending to his wounds over with the others. He tried looking for you and Britain, but he couldn't find any of you two. He did find Third Reich, and although he despised him, Soviet took him over to the rest of his unconscious friends. He felt for a heartbeat, and it turned out that he was also still alive.

Sitting down by his comrades, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. He stared up at the red and yellow sky as the sun started to set behind the mountains. The stars showed up one by one until it filled up the whole night sky. 

Soviet heard a violent cough coming from Russia. He ran over by his side and got down onto one knee.

"Россия, my son, are you alright?" He took his son's hand and helped him stand up.

"Yes папа, I'm fine. Thank you." Russia said. "Is everybody else okay?"

His father nodded. "да, I have tended to all of them. They are all still breathing and alive. Sadly, I could not find UN's child."

"You tried, папа." Russia placed his hand on his shoulder. "You tried."

Time passed, and soon the whole team had woken up. France heard the news about Britain and she was devastated, but mostly angered. She was fully fueled and ready to battle for the second time. UN saw that Third Reich was still alive and told everyone that he was a traitor, he even told Germany what his father had said about him. Unfortunately, Reich ran away. Soviet tried to catch him, but the Nazi was too slick. Lastly, UN got the news about you and Britain, but the organization shook his head and explained that you and Britain had been taken by British Empire to another place. Now, they were on their way to go search for you both.

Britain awoke in a dimly lit room with a baby crib beside him. It was rather tall for a baby to climb over and escape from. He sat up and threw his legs over the edge of the bed, standing up and making his way over to the crib. He noticed that you were there and still passed out. He sighed in relief, knowing that you were not dead. 

He walked over to a light switch and turned on the lights. It revealed that the room was much bigger than it looked in the dark. He explored the room, first heading over to a corner of the room that had children's books and toys. This side of the room seemed to be a place for you and Britain to hang out at and play. 

There was one problem that Britain had though. Why did his mother take you away from UN? What does she want with you? What was the meaning of this? He wanted answers right here and now.

He found his tophat on the floor in a closet. 

He dusted it off and put it on his head, turning towards a mirror and fixing his attire. 

The door to the room was unlocked and British Empire entered with a tray of food and water. 

"Excellent! You're awake!" She walked over to a nightstand and placed the tray down on the wooden surface. She sat on his bed and gestured for him to come to her. "Come here, we have a lot to talk about!"

Britain shook his head and took a step back.

"Why is (Y/N) here? They do not belong to you! UN adopted them and they rightfully belong with him!"

His mother smirked. "Oh, once you find out who they actually are, you will be surprised."


Россия- Russia

Папа- Dad

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