Chapter 25

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France quietly shut the door behind her and returned to her children, who were grouped up in a corner across the room. France had witnessed the whole situation happen in front of her, but she couldn't do anything about it. Britain had threatened to harm them if either his children or France dared to call any organization or country for help. Of course, France wanted none of her remaining children to die. New Zealand made a mistake breaking one of the rules, which was fighting against his father to save you. 

Canada and the rest of the brothers turned to their mother.

"We have to do something, mom." America stated.

"Yeah, we cannot just sit around and do nothing." Canada folded his arms.

"We have to tell someone about this, even if it risks our lives." Australia said. "Kiwi tried, and although he is now dead, he did leave one clue. If we can just tell NATO or EU what it means without our father knowing, then we can get him arrested along with his secret allies."

France sighed. "It will be difficult, but I agree. Now is the time we do something about this. However, not right at this moment. Your father will be up here soon to check on us."

America leaned back and slid his back down the wall until his bottom hit the floor, his younger brothers doing the exact same. Canada pulled a board game out of the desk beside him and set it up for them to play while France simply watched, remembering the times before this disaster.

Germany dragged UN's unconscious body and violently threw him into a cell near your small animal cage. Britain followed him and locked the door with a key, which he placed onto a table twenty feet away from you. You wanted to scream, cry for your father, but making noise will only result in harsh punishment.

"When will your father be here?" Great Britain asked the German, slamming the end of his cane onto the floor. 

"He is currently busy with Soviet. He will be here soon, less than an hour to be specific. It shouldn't take him too long to deal with that Russian." 

"Very well." The old man spun around and picked up a small black suitcase. "While we wait, I want you to give this to the organizations. Within it contains some evidence of the sad deaths of UN and (Y/N). I will send you a script of what you shall tell them once they receive it. Practice saying it on your way to the organization's building."

Germany nodded and smiled, taking the suitcase from his hands as soon as he turned back around to face him. "Yessir! What should I do afterwards?" 

"Come back here. Once your father arrives, we can perform the actual deaths of these two menaces ourselves." 

"Alright, I will be right back, sir!" The country ran off.

You listened in to their conversation, but the whole entire time you kept your attention on UN. You waited to see if he would move at all, but so far, nothing. You were worried he was dead, but a part of you told you he wasn't. 

A shadow approached and loomed over your tiny form as you stared at your father's unconscious body. You looked up at Britain and scooted away from him. In response he chuckled with an evil smile plastered on his face. 

"My mother was a crazy woman, but her death was not supposed to occur. I could have done something to change her." He paused. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't appeared, she would have still been alive! You are not my little sister, and you will never be!"

Your eyes watered at the edges as your mouth and body trembled. 

"Third Reich, my past enemy, has been suffering for a long time as well, just like me. He explained to me that ever since he saved you from the collapsed building, he has been having nightmares and flashbacks of you. He has been like this for years, just like me."


"We got together and made a choice to capture you and finally get rid of you once and for all. Third Reich wanted more that though. He also wanted to kill UN and Soviet. Right now, he is dealing with the Russian, but once he is finished with him, you and your father will perish together."

You shook your head, hugging your knees to your chest. "No…"

"No? How adorable." He smirked. "Let us wait for UN to wake up to have him hear the truth before he dies."

Germany panted as he rushed into the room, alarming the organizations inside. They ran up to him extremely concerned.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" ASEAN asked. 

The German shook his head. "I found...this…"

EU's pupils darted to the black suitcase in his hand and carefully took it from his hand. He examined it with a raised eyebrow before opening it. 

NATO glanced inside, his eyes widening. "Where did you find this?"

"It was...left on my...porch…" Germany said in between breaths.

"They're...dead…" EU felt a lump form in his throat. 

" can't be…" ASEAN raised a picture up from the suitcase and fell onto his knees.

Germany straightened his back and walked up to them, taking the envelope inside. He ripped the top of it and took the letter. NATO snatched it from his hands and read it. He crumbled it up within seconds and tossed it across the room. 

"What should we do?" EU questioned Germany.

"I don't-"

Suddenly, the double doors unlocked and slammed against the walls behind them. An angry and severely wounded Soviet Union stepped inside, bleeding.

"Do not trust the German сука! He is a liar and is one of the killers!" He shouted, pointing at the country.

EU, ASEAN, and NATO turned to Germany who was slowly backing away with an innocent and worried look.

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