Chapter 6

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You were in the corner of the room with small, white fences keeping you there as you played with your toys. The organizations were having a discussion about the current situation, the killer running about the land. Yesterday when they read the testimonies they had written on the pieces of paper, they couldn't find a hole in their statements. Everyone claimed to either be with their friend(s) or with their families during the night of the break in, which meant that they had no leads so far on who it could be.

You crawled over to the gate of the playpen and pushed it forward with one hand. It swung open and you made your way to your father. You sat by his leg and stared up at him, taking in the gestures he was making with his hands. You looked at your hands and started to copy what he was doing. Once you got bored, you crawled underneath the long, rectangular table and went over to NATO. He had dropped his military hat, and you being a curious person, you took it and put it on your head. 

It was too big on you. It covered up half your face, which made you laugh. The organizations heard your laughter and looked toward the direction of the sound. NATO picked you up off the floor and sat you down on the table. His hat was still on your head and covering your face. The organizations laughed as NATO took it off your head and put it on his. 

"Alright you little rebel, back to the playpen you go." UN took you from NATO's grasp and stood up, carrying you back to your playpen. He put you down onto your bottom and shut the gate to the playpen, this time locking it. He went back and sat down on his seat, continuing the conversation.

You lay down on your back and stare up at the ceiling. It was boring in this small area and you wanted to go out and explore the building instead of sitting here doing nothing but throwing toys around. There had to be a way out of the room. 

EU got up and exited the room to go get a cup of coffee. He left the door slightly open, and with that, you had your opportunity to escape. There was one problem, and that issue was that the gate was locked, which meant that there was no way out. You looked at your feet, then at the gate. You crawled over to the gate and held onto it as you used your strength to lift yourself up onto your feet. You kept on falling back onto your bottom, but after a few more tries, you learned to stay up on your feet for a longer period of time. 

Smiling, you poked your head out of the gate and looked at the lock. You grabbed it and messed with it until the gate flew open. You got back on your hands and knees and started to crawl toward the door. Once you made it, you glanced back at your father and the other organizations. You left the room and crawled down the hallway. You heard footsteps halfway down the hallway coming from behind you. You turned your head and looked back, seeing EU. He shut the door behind him once he entered, but after a few seconds, UN, EU, ASEAN, and NATO rushed out. They examined the halls until they saw you.

UN took a few steps forward, but then he stopped in his tracks once he saw a masked figure behind you. You turned your head back around to look forward. You saw a pair of legs, and when you looked up, there was somebody with a black cloak and mask staring down at you.

In a scared voice, your eyes started tearing up.

You were terrified.


The figure picked you up and held you close to their chest, taking out a gun and shooting a couple bullets at the organizations before sprinting away. Unfortunately, it hit UN and EU's wings, making the two unable to use them.

"(Y/N)!!!!" UN chased after the mysterious figure with his friends following him.

You let out a loud cry, but it was quickly muffled by the country holding you by putting their hand over your mouth. 

They busted the door down and ran outside into a helicopter. It flew up into the sky and began to go east, but the masked country shot an arrow that pierced the wall next to the entrance of the building. The figure then turned away, going further into the helicopter. 

UN and the rest of the organizations watched as it flew away. UN fell onto his knees and sobbed into his hands.

You were taken to a mansion far up a mountain. It seemed to have high security with cameras everywhere. From what you could see, there were no other houses or buildings up here, so that probably meant that nobody else knew about this place except for the countries who are here.

The helicopter landed on top of the building. The person who kidnapped you got off the flying vehicle and walked up to a couple more masked people with cloaks and presented you to them. The middle one stepped forward and took you into their arms. You stared into their pupils as they stared into yours. 

They turned around and descended some stairs until they reached the first floor of this building. The person holding you walked up to a room and knocked on it five times with a pause in between the fourth one. The door opened and they stepped in. 

What was strange is that this room looked exactly like UN's. The bed was in the exact same place, your crib was next to it; it all seemed like you were home. You became slightly confused at this.

The masked person sat you onto the bed. You watched as they took off their cloak, then their mask. They looked familiar to you.

Was that… Britain? 

No...but they were female.

Maybe this is his mother.

"I finally have you, (Y/N). After sending you into our world once the vehicle in your world had thrown you out... I finally have you. Such heartless and cruel people! How could they throw out such a precious little child like you?"

The woman sat on her stool in front of her mirror facing you.

"You know, you may be human, but let me tell you a little secret, even if you don't understand me fully…" She cupped your small chin. "Your mother and father in your world actually aren't your parents. You technically don't have any parents. You were created… differently than everybody else."

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